Chapter 6

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(Y/n)'s pov

It was Hao and.... Yoh? Why are they arguing. They avoided each other most of the time... I walked to them.
"Guys...." I asked in a low voice.
"(Y/n)." They said in unision.
"Why are you arguing?" I asked.
"Oh it is nothing. Forget about it. Okay?" Yoh asked in a nervous tone.

Hao's pov

Before (y/n) appeared my brother came to me. He was angry. What is his problem? I asked myself. Then Yoh started shouting that if i dare to touch (y/n) he will show no mercy to me and stuff like that. I needed to defend myself and that's when (y/n) came.

(Y/n)'s pov

We left the school with Hao. And we were going to his place. During the walk none of us said a word then we arrived. And well Hao's house was....

(A/n): sorry for not updating and sorry for the short chapter but i wanted to update i will update from now on more often. Then see you guys later.

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