Chapter Twenty Nine

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Close friends are truly life's treasures. Sometimes they know us better than we know ourselves. With gentle honesty, they are there to guide and support us, to share our laughter and our tears. Their presence reminds us we are never really alone. - Vincent Van Gogh

After we left the police station, Jon and I headed back to my house.

I was so exhausted and just wanted to lay down, which is exactly what I did.

Not even bothering to climb the stairs, I plopped myself down on the couch.

Moments later I felt a blanket being tossed over me.

"Relax. I'll be here when you wake up."

He went to sit in the recliner, but I reached out for him.

"No! Can you lay with me? Please?"

He hardly hesitated before I sat up, making room for him as he slid behind me.

We both laid down, watching whatever was left on the TV.

"How was basketball practice?" I asked.

"It was good. Same old, same old.

Jake is just as douchy as ever."

"What did he do now?"

"He kept talking about you. About how he'd wear you down and you'd agree to go out with him."

"Yeah. When pigs fly." I scoffed.

I felt him nod. "Yeah. But you know how I hate when people disrespect you."

"What does that poster in my room say?"

" 'I'm not a princess. I don't need saving. I'm a queen. I got this shit handled.' " He recited from memory.

"Exactly. I love how much you care about me, but I can handle jerks like Jake on my own. He's not worth the time or energy."

"Yeah," he agreed, nuzzling into my neck.

Then a growling sound erupted, completely ruining the moment.

"Was that you?" He asked.

"I knew I should have eaten something. Ugh, but I don't want to get up."

"Do you have any leftovers?" I shook my head. "Maybe we can order something."

"Mmm. I'm craving Chinese food."

"Stir fry noodles and chicken balls?"

"Mmm. Sounds amazing. Don't forget the chicken fried rice."

"Of course," he laughed. "How could I almost forget the rice?"

"I don't know," I chuckled. "We order the same thing every time."

"Except for when your mom's here. Then we get that crispy chicken with the sweet sauce for her."

"Ugh. I don't know how she eats that. It's too sweet."

He smiled. "I know." He placed the order and now we wait.

"What the heck are we watching?" Is asked.

It was some random soap opera that I'd never seen.

Jon shrugged. "It was probably left on this channel and this is what's on. You can change it." He tossed me the converter which I nearly dropped, causing him to laugh.

The Vanishing Girls Of Willow Creek (Willow Creek, #1)Where stories live. Discover now