Chapter 67

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Luna sat silently on the stone steps, staring at her hands. They shook uncontrollably, no matter how much focused on making them stop. She couldn't bear to turn around and look at the rubble of the terrain behind her; the destruction she had caused scared her. She tried to blink back her tears but some still managed to escape, the salty water temporarily staining the stone beneath her feet. She held back a sob when she looked up, watching the soldiers run back and forth, collecting what they could from the field. The sun was slowly rising, casting a melancholy glow across the blood soaked field.

The shock wore off after another moment, and the fear shot through her again, more tears escaping. Her hands shook even more fiercely, moving up to her shoulders and down to her knees. She felt herself sway before she collapsed, crying and shaking into the body she hadn't noticed had sat down beside her.

Trae held her, letting her cry and waiting patiently for her to finish shaking. He stroked her hair and whispered to her, trying to calm her down. "Shh... Luna... it's okay... you couldn't control it... everything is going to be okay... there was no other choice..."

Luna wrapped her arms around his neck, lifting her gaze to meet his. Trae wiped the last of the tears from her face, staring into the eyes of a terrified girl. One that was so broken, so scared to fail and to be alone. To be the one blamed for the end. He was there, right beside her, the way he had always been. The more he stared into her eyes, the more they started to look like shattered glass. It was like looking through a shattered window that once looked out to something beautiful. Something that was now burnt to a crisp, only an echo of what it used to be. With only the smallest sliver of light. Even after everything, Luna's honey and chocolate eyes were still filled with hope, overflowing through the shards of glass.

He couldn't tell exactly what it was about her that drew him to her, maybe her looks or her warm caring eyes, or the way that she cared for everyone and fought for them no matter what. Maybe it was the way she had been there for him since his memories started, and the way that she stayed by his side for every moment he could recall. Or maybe it was just her. One thing he was sure of was that he had fallen for her. He had fallen so deeply he knew he wouldn't be able to climb out on his own. He would walk to the ends of the Earth for her, whether or not she asked him to, he would in a heartbeat.

It didn't matter how old they were, or how much time they had left, or how long they would stay together. All he knew was that he had to be with her at that moment, and every moment he could see. He had to be there for her, to protect her and keep her safe. He knew she didn't need it, but how would he ever close his eyes again if she wouldn't be there when he opened them? It didn't matter that he wasn't even a quarter through his life, he was never more certain of anything in his life.

As his head dropped closer to hers, Luna leaned in, kissing him. In that kiss, Trae felt all the emotions that were bubbling over in both of them. She felt the same way. I love you. "Luna... I..." he took in an anxious, shaky breath, smiling wide through his tears. "Luna, I love you," he said while taking her hands, looking deep into her eyes, the hope he saw in them swelling over the broken shards until all he could see was light.


"Luna... I'm sorry for being like this but," he sighed, dropping his eyes to his feet. "I want to be with you... I want to protect you... I want to make sure you don't feel alone. I don't care how much time we have with each other, every moment we are together, every moment we'll ever have together, is all worth it. You're worth it all..." he looked down again, tears spilling from their hiding spots.

"Trae... Trae, I love you too... Don't even think for a second that I don't feel the same way..." She kissed him again, looping her fingers into the hair at the base of his neck and pressing him closer. She was always meant to be with him, she could feel it. Maybe not forever, but at that moment, it would always be him.

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