Chapter 8- Breaking up with Angie

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It's been six months since y/n fell pregnant which means only three more months until the baby is born. And these past six months have been hella crazy y/n couldn't believe y/n been living under the sea for half a year. Plus y/n were literally gonna birth a fish in a few months which is crazy. Y/n haven't seen Lola since y/n hooked up with Angie and broke her heart. Oscar's also been awol for months and still has no idea he'll be a father. Y/n have been hooking up with Angie regularly and today y/n are going to meet up with her again. Y/n look at y/n self in the mirror and then swim out to go meet with Angie. Y/n swim up to her place but y/n hear a noise. Y/n swim closer and hear the noise getting louder. It's sounds like....people having sex. All of a sudden you here someone say "oh Angie". Y/n immediately get shocked and then swim right in to see Angie having sex with a pufferfish! "WHAT THE FUCK!" Y/n scream. "Omg!" Angie says. "Umm who the fuck are you?" The pufferfish asks. "I'll tell you who the fuck I am! I'm her hookup!" Y/n shout. "Really? Cause I've been hooking up with Angie for like four months now" the pufferfish says. "Sykes can you leave a minute I need to talk with y/n in private" Angie says. "Alright but call me" Sykes says before swimming away. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Y/n shout. "Why are you so angry? He's just a hookup like you" Angie says. "I thought I actually meant something to you" y/n say. "Your nothing a hook up  that I meet sometimes when I'm bored!" Angie shouts. "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DUMB FUCKING WHORE FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR DUMB HOOKUP SYKES YOUR FREE TO HOOKUP WITH HIM BECAUSE IM NOT DOING THIS ANYMORE!" Y/n shout. "Fine! No problem to me!" Angie shouts. "FUCK YOU!" Y/n shout kicking over a plant pot that belongs to Angie then swimming away. Y/n feel like crying but decide to suck it up and not cry. Y/n were not gonna cry over a dumbass like Angie. Plus y/n were probably just hormonal and stressed with the pregnancy and that's why y/n wanted to cry. Y/n swim in the direction of y/n place but you bump into someone on the way. "HEY WATCH OUT!" Y/n shout before realising its Oscar. "Woah calm down" Oscar says. "Omg it's you" y/n say hugging him since y/n kinda missed him. "Yeah it's me" he says. "where the fuck you been these past six months?" Y/n ask. "It's a long story but basically I got married" Oscar says. Wait what? Oscar got married. A pretty orange fish swims up beside Oscar. "Hey my name is Stacie and I'm Oscar's wife!" She says. "Nice to meet you" y/n say sarcastically although really y/n want to punch this bitch in the face since y/n were kinda jealous that Oscar had met someone. Plus y/n were carrying his child and y/n definitely couldn't tell him he was gonna be a father now especially since he's married. "So how'd you two meet?" Y/n ask curiously. "Well basically Oscar mistook me for a prostitute and tried to hire me but I told him I wasn't but we still hooked up anyways then we started dating he proposed and then we married and the rest is history" Stacie says. "Aww how sweet" y/n say sarcastically although really this bitch Stacie seems like a total show off. "So anyways how's life been for you?" Oscar asks. Y/n wanted to tell him everything about the pregnancy, Lola avoiding y/n and Angie being an asshole but instead y/n just said "meh nothing exciting". "Alright well see you around" Oscar says before swimming off with Stacie. Y/n roll your eyes and then go into y/n apartment and get out y/n special toys since y/n were feeling lonely...

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