Chapter 7

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" Don't be like me. I do that. I like to be one of a kind. "

I was currently in homeroom, bored out of my mind and I was doodling in my book. Noah was on one side and MJ sitting on the other side of me. I tried hard not to make any skin to skin touch because I realized I can see their past.

I had long sleeves hoodies and I was practically wearing the sleeves down my wrist. I felt eyes on me and looked up. It was Peter. I kept my face emotionless, as much as I wanted to smile, I know I shouldn't, so I just looked down again, continuing to doodle in the back of my book.

I don't know what to do! I have to get over him and I don't see it coming anytime soon. Homecoming was tomorrow and I wasn't excited at all knowing he'll be there with Liz.

I still felt eyes on me and looked up.

"Stop staring at me! " I thought to myself but he widens his eyes.

"H-How the hell are you doing that? " I heard his voice and my eyes widened too.

I broke the gaze and looked anywhere but him. I shook my head, clearing the thoughts and walked out of the homeroom. It was last class of the day and thankfully, I start training from tomorrow.

I still had to find out what kind of powers I have. How many I have? It's kinda annoying. I headed home, dropping MJ in the way who constantly asked me if I was okay and I just managed to nod.

I reached home and saw Tony in his lab.

" Hey! Can you find out how many powers do I even have? It's getting annoying. " I said plopping on a chair across him.

" What happened? " Tony asks and I sighed.

" This happened. " I thought and Tony frowned.

" Did you just-"

" Yeah. Glad it was Peter I talked to like that, accidently." I said slumping into my chair.

" I've been reading you blood samples but since it was all chemical, I couldn't properly. I have to take some now. " He says and I nodded, rolling up my sleeve and putting forth my hand.

I felt the way the needle went inside my skin and saw the blood filling the syringe.

" Whoo! It's red again. " He says looking at it.

" Huh? " I ask and he shook his head.

" It was all blue when you came here. Due to the chemicals. " He stated and I widened my eyes.

" All I know is I have Superstrength, Speed, Agility and Telekenisis. The ones I got from side effects of the first one are I don't know what to call them. This. " I said raising my hands and they started to glow, probably along with my eyes. I saw Tony widen his eyes and I sighed, turning back to normal.

" I was at Mr. Jeffery's for a weekend when he first did this to me. He told me I can heal people or destroy with these." I said and he nodded.

" I see it here. Uh... " He says looking at the numbers increasing in the computer through her DNA.

" What? " I ask, hoping it's nothing serious.

" Um.. You also have Many others which I can't recognize right now but there's this one, particularly I have my eyes on to train you. " He says pointing at number 232.

" 232? What does that mean? " I ask, confused.

" It's something with the content of invisibility." He says and I widened my eyes.

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