7. The Plan

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Around the table was the six killjoys. I stood up at the top of the table. I had asked Ghost and Missile to stay at the car and that I needed to talk to the older ones alone. I also didn't want Missile to panic and assume anything. "Okay, hi, now that we have all settled down and I know you're not a threat" I started looking apologetically at Adrenaline. "I have a few questions, the first one being is how did you find her?" I asked looking between them all.
Jet Star leant forward "I was out in our Trans Am with Fun Ghoul," He started. "We were going out for the purposes to find water, signal for the radio and any batteries" He said. "it was late at night, that is the best time to go looking, otherwise it starts fights" He continued. The other killjoys didn't interrupt his story. "Anyway, we found a young girl hunched under a tree, she was shaking, cold and alone. This was about 3 days after the BLI take-over" He said. "I couldn't leave her and Ghoul agreed because she was so young... since then she has been with us ever since," He said. "She grew attached to all of us, she spoke about you and Ghost a lot," He said.
"We all saw your wanted posters, including Missile and that frightened her" Adrenaline said sitting with her fingers interlaced on top of the table.
"We have become such a dysfunctional family," She continued. "And I am so happy you found us, it has really helped Missile and took away that anxiety of never seeing anyone again" She said with a smile, a small tear coming out of her eye. I nodded. I took it all in.
"I am so glad she wasn't alone for a long time. I don't know what she has told you but she is a very special little girl," I said not giving away anything about Missile. I kept that confidential. Only me and Ghost needed to know the details. "So, I move on to the next burning topic of discussion," I paused and took a breath in "I would ideally want her to come with me and Ghost back on the road," I said, again I didn't want to give them anything to think that she was wanted by BLI.
The killjoys sighed and all flopped back on their seats. "We knew this was going to happen," Kobra swallowed the lump in his throat.
"I don't want her to go," Ghoul said sternly looking at me. "I want her to stay with us, we are a bigger pack," He said calmly, attempting to keep his own anger under control.
"Listen, we shouldn't discuss this without her," Party Poison said looking out at the car and seeing Ghost with Missile in the back of the car, playing a board game.
I nodded. "Okay I'll go get her," I said moving away from the table and grabbing Ghost and Missile.
"Sit down," I said indicating to two empty spaces in the booth.
"What is going on?" Missile asked looking between us all.
"Listen, we are currently talking about what the next plan is," I started slowly. I knew she was not going to react well.
"Oh no," Missile started, getting the hint of what I was going to talk about. "We all should be together!" She pleaded looking at everyone. "I don't want to have to choose between you all!" He said desperately.
"There is no space at the hideout" Jet said shaking his head. "It is cramped already," He said placing his hands behind his head.
I shook my head "No we need to go on the road-"
"No listen if we stay, you can use your pod and activate the basement," Ghost chirped in looking at me. "I know you have a pod that has a house," He said to me nodding his head.
"We can't build a house!" Thrill shouted looking at me confused.
"You don't need to build it," I mumbled pulling the pod out of my bag and holding it. It glowed in my hand. "it is already built," I mumbled again putting it back in my bag.
"What??" Adrenaline and Kobra stared at me. They thought I was insane.
"Listen, anyway" I said shaking my head "I can't expect them to bring in me and Ghost," I said to Missile. "There is no trust or anything there," I said sighing.
"Can we talk alone? No offense or anything" Party asked looking at me as an indication for me, Ghost and Missile to leave. I nodded.
"Understood," I said taking Missile and Ghost back to the car. I lit another cig as Missile and Ghost climbed back into the car.
"What do you think they will say?" Ghost asked. "I think it is a great idea, we will be stronger if we have more killjoys on our side!" He said staring at me.
"I know.. I just don't know what is best for her," I said looking at Missile.
"They don't know anything about my abilities," Missile said. "I have kept it hidden like you taught me Music!" She said leaning out of the window of the car and resting her head on her forearms.
I furrowed my brows "How have you managed that?" I asked quietly. "You were uncontrollable at one stage Missile," I said concerned. Surely, they could have noticed that there was something unique about this young girl.
"When I met them, I figured it was a good time for me to really practice being normal," She said using finger quotations when she said 'normal'. "I mean, I didn't want them to think I was weird or a threat," She continued. "I was terrified I was going to run into the wrong hands, Music," She let out a giant sigh and looked at me. "They didn't push into regiments, training, classes or anything like that. The last few months allowed me to, live properly." She said. It was clear she was hurt. Missile had stuck to a strict regime. My parents had a military style operation in place for Missile. Missile had it harsher than me and Ghost most of the time. Missile's day would start from 6AM and finish at 8PM. She barely had anytime to be a child.
"I'm sorry," I whispered coming closer to get and kneeling to be faced to face with her. "Mum and dad pushed you so hard, they only wanted to protect you and most importantly understand you," I said quietly to her. "We didn't want you to get hurt," I said stroking her arm with my thumb. "But mum and dad did take it a step too far-"
"I don't want to talk about it, just keep all of this between us three okays?" Missile interrupted and looked at me.
I nodded "Okay, I will," I said and smiled at her. I was just glad she was safe and was in safe hands more than anything else.
"HEY!" Jet Star yelled over to us, motioning us over with a swift hand.
"Okay, let's find out this plan," I said opening the car door to let them out.
Missile didn't speak a word and skipped over to the diner.
"She's enjoying this freedom," Ghost mumbled to me, as he walked ahead into the diner.
"She should have had some sort of freedom from the start," I sighed under my breath, before following them into the diner. 

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