8. Back to the Future

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"Okay make yourselves comfortable," Ghoul said ushering us towards an empty booth.
Missile immediately went for the window seat, Ghost sitting opposite. I plopped down beside Ghost and turned my attention to the other killjoys.
"Okay, listen we don't know what your history is, or what type of voodoo you have going on or anything," Party Poison started off, leaning up from the dusty snooker table. "But, you can be a useful resource for us, we are all wanted by BLI for one reason or another," He paused for a moment and looked between me and Ghost. "We can become allies as such in order to bring BLI down," He shrugged his shoulder. "That is the conclusion we have come to, but there needs to be trust built" He paused putting a finger up. "And in order to do that, we want to understand fully what you do and how you ended up in this position," He said and leant on the table with his arms outstretched.
I nodded "I can't tell you everything, but I will tell you as much as I can," I said looking at him. "Some work is strictly confidential, if I speak of it or anything I could lose everything, and I stress everything," I said sternly. The other killjoys sat down around us, pulling up on chairs. Party remained in his position at the top of the table. Party Poison was definitely leader. This is confirmed. None of the others were acting this strange.
"Go ahead," Party encouraged as he kept staring at me straight in the eye. It was clear he was trying to 'work me out' in his head.
"Okay," I said and sat up straighter. "I have been an inventor and technology nerd since I was a child, my father started that," I started. "When I turned 16 I had already graduated high school and went to university, I fast tracked everything. My main goal was to invent, create and innovate," I said. I knew I sounded like a BLI clone. "That is what I did, I have multiple inventions and creations that I use on the daily. Inventions, creations, medications, cures," I continued. I had grasped their attention as they all watched me. "I finished university at the age of 20 and I have been a leader of a business since," I continued. "I take the lead in finished products. I work with a board who help me get inventions and creations to the public. I have side projects aswell," I finished. "That is really it" I said with a shrug, avoiding mentioning names or organisations. "BLI had wind of my business. Korse had reached out," I said. "They wanted weapons, materials and other machinery and equipment to help their cause, this was before the analogue wars" I said and cracked my knuckles. "I turned them down, and now I am on their wanted list, since we are in a dictatorship," I concluded. "And that is all I can tell you," I finished and bit my lip. The other killjoys nodded.
"Okay," Party leant off the table. "Interesting," He said and turned, throwing a pair of sunglasses on.
"You really are rich aren't you?" Adrenaline perked up.
"Money isn't useful now a days," I said playing with a piece of cardboard on the table in front of me.
They seemed to nod in agreement.
"Shall we hit the road? We can ask questions when we get there," Ghoul suggested getting up and playing with a car key in his hand.
"One or two of you is going to have to come with me to direct me," I said also standing up and moving from the booth. "I am protective over my work.. don't meddle with anything you are not familiar with," I warned them as I walked out towards the car.
"Me and Kobra will come with you," Party said catching up with me. "Missile can go in the Trans Am," He said pointing towards their car. I swear that car had not been touched by a mechanic in years and was in need of an upgrade.
"That is such a pile of junk, it needs looked at," I said tilting my glasses down to get a view of the car.
Party scoffed, "So what you're a mechanic now?" He teased.
"Huh, im an inventor, I can do pretty much anything with a little time. My ride looks like a Lamborghini beside that atrocity," I smirked and climbed into the driver seat.
"Listen, don't talk shit about the car, it still works," Party sniggered under his breath
"Wait until I drive you around in this beauty," I laughed. Ghost and Kobra climbed into the back seat. "Please put your seatbelts on," I said putting both my hands on the steering wheel. The two quickly complied.
"Kai!" I shouted out at my little assistant. The car lit up in a rainbow around the dashboard, seats, windows and key functionalities of the car. Already the two killjoys were stunned.
"Ready to assist," Kai's voice filled the car.
"What is the co-ordinates?" I asked turning to Party.
Party pulled out a piece of paper, speechless and handed it to me.
"This is insane, this is like something out of back to the future," Kobra said from the back seat.
I shouted out the co-ordinates to Kai, who displayed the directions on the screen.
"Don't flatter Kai, you'll make Kai cocky," I said peering at Kobra through the mirror.
"Kai is a computer-"
"I AM NOT A COMPUTER," Kai jumped out cutting Party Poison off, leading to hurls of laughter from Ghost.
"Okay okay, jeez" Party said with the roll of the eyes and started to fumble with the windows.
"It's like a touch screen mechanism, swipe down like you would on a phone, that will make the windows lower for you," I said after watching Party Poison struggle for a few minutes. Party stared at me.
"Okay," He said still unsure and used a finger to move the window down. "What the fuck," He said, beginning to play with the window mechanics. Kobra quickly joined in
"Amazing," Kobra laughed.
"Trust me, that's not even the best part, we haven't even taken off," Ghost laughed looking at Kobra.
"What do you me-"
"LETS GOOOO," I shouted and immediately started the car taking off.
The joy on Ghost's face made my heart melt. This was all he wanted. He wanted new killjoys, new faces, someone else to talk to. Most importantly he had met killjoys that weren't female. He struggles to talk to me. I am hoping these killjoys will break Ghost out of his shell.

Technology and Desert SkiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora