9. Safe Haven

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"This is it on the left," Kobra smiled learning forward, putting his head between mine and Party Poison's. He pointed out towards a shabby old building. They were not lying when they said it was tiny. The place looked like it had been abandoned for decades; never mind the months that BLI had control.
"Wow, okay, that place definitely needs an upgrade. I understand now why you lot haven't been caught, living in a place like that" I half joked to Party and Kobra.
"Listen, the inside is okay, the outside needs to look like a dump in order to avoid attention and paroles from dracs," Party shrugged.
"Dracs patrol this zone?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Me and Ghost had only ran into the draculoids on the outskirts of the zones, not INSIDE the zones.
"Zone 6 is a killjoy hotspot. Dr. Death is also stationed in this zone, along with a few other clans," Kobra clarified.
I nodded "I am yet to meet Dr. Death Defying. Honestly, you lot are the first bunch of killjoys we have met. Coincidentally, also the most wanted killjoys. Destiny does work in strange ways doesn't it?" I said tilting my head slightly. That thought stuck in my mind. Me and Ghost are being hunted, mainly for the inventions and G, but these killjoys were not wanted for BLI gain. Unless, there is something about them that I am not entirely 100% aware of.
"Very strange, but at least Missile now has her sister and brother, we were worried she wasn't going to find any of her family," Party Poison sighed.
"I thought I wasn't going to see her again at one point," Ghost mumbled out. He never stopped talking about Missile. Even though they constantly fought against one another, Ghost cared about her deeply.
"Never give up hope, that is what BLI wants you to do," Kobra said sternly turning his head to look at Ghost.
Ghost nodded "Okay," He sighed and looked out the window. I watched him through the mirror. He was exhausted. He never slept either, unless we were driving, but that wouldn't be for long periods of time either.
I pulled the car up and shut it off. Party, Kobra and Ghost wiggled out of the car. I could hear the chatter of the others over at their car. They must have only arrived as well. Kobra, Ghost and Party wandered their way over to them. I took in their hide out for a moment. It was just an old pile of wood. The building looked like an old rustic cabin. The front window was boarded up. I was yet to find out if that was on purpose or if it was already like that.
"Hmm," I mumbled to myself. I looked down at the car screen and flicked through it to find the various pods. I needed to keep a strict library of each pod, how many and when they were last used and by who. I always get worried that people will thieve the pods. However, the pods were voice activated, only by me and Ghost. One of my earlier inventions was stolen and I wanted to ensure that would never happen again.
"Machine guns, laser guns, water supplies, electricity," I sang to myself as I continued to scroll. There was easily over 800 different pods, for various uses. Maybe even more.
"Ah, house rebuild/structuring.. pod 568" I grinned. I got out of the car and flicked my watch to display the library of pods in front of me. It obviously caught the attention of the others, all I heard was a giant "woah," from the distance. I pulled the selected pod out and flicked my watch to get rid of it.
"This should do the trick," I said loudly to the other killjoys.
"What is it?" Thrill asked as he made it over first. "One of your inventions?" He asked.
I nodded "This will rebuild your hideout. Don't worry about any belongings, it will help organise it" I said looking among them. I was given a round of nods and 'okay' from the group.
"Now, does anyone share a room? I need to know to programme it into the pod," I said looking around them.
"Me and Adrenaline," Kobra piped up, grinning at Adrenaline. Love was an illegal thing under this new dictatorship. The pills being distributed by BLI was designed to remove chemicals from the brain that is used to display emotions. It was quite sad to see on the billboards. It made people look and appear like robots, it gave Better Living Industries the maximum control over humans.
"Be careful who you two tell, you never know who is listening," I warned them. "And if anyone gets a trace of that, you're going to get caught out," I said.
"You're a trusted killjoy Music," Adrenaline clarified. "You're Missile's sister, we know you're also wanted; therefore, you're going to become one of us," She smiled. After the little spat we had in the diner, the others must have had a talk to ensure there was no tension for when we got back.
I nodded "Okay," I said. "Ghost, I will share a room with you and Missile, we can take the loft like we did in the house," I grinned looking at Ghost and Missile.
"Good, because Missile will drive me insane," Ghost laughed looking at Missile.
"Listen I have a good few months to catch up on!" Missile said flicking and poking at Ghost.
"QUIT IT!" Ghost yelled. Missile's laughter filled the air as she ran off away from Ghost.
I rolled my eyes "Are the rest of you in separate rooms?" I asked looking at Jet, Ghoul, Party and Thrill. They simply nodded. "Yes," They all said together, Ghoul keeping his head lower than the others.
"Okay," I plugged the numbers into the pod. "Step back, there will be a flash of light, I advise you turn around," I said, putting on my sunglasses.
"One of us blinded isn't going to be useful," Party said as he turned around with the others.
"If one of us get blinded, we would all just bully them," Ghoul laughed. He was thinking about pranks he would pull if one of his friends were blinded.
"That is not funny!" Adrenaline snapped at him, punching him on the shoulder.
"Guys, please," I said rolling my eyes. "I'm doing it now," I said still messing around with the pod.
"This is such a weird experience, I mean, an entire house in a pod?" Kobra said to Adrenaline, he was bewildered.
"She is going to be a useful killjoy on our side, if anyone is capable of stopping Korse, it is Music," Adrenaline said. "We are going to learn a thing or two from her," She smiled at Kobra, squeezing his hand.
There was a boom of light and dust around me as I placed the pod into the hideout. Within seconds, it had transformed into a massive, modern building. "IT WORKED!" I smiled triumphantly. I didn't have a chance to fully test this out yet. I pulled up my watch and the house appeared, with co-ordinates, layouts and overall security measures that was installed.
This could become a safe haven for us. If those killjoys are trustworthy.

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