21. In Control

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Ghoul brought me, Ghost and Missile to a private interrogation room. The walls were transparent and it was brightly lit. I swiped up on my watch and asked Kai to disable the cameras and the microphone in the room.
"All disabled" He bleeped up. Ghoul, Adrenaline and Party was standing outside of the room. This was the last thing that I had expected when they brought me to BLI.
"I know you two are so upset and annoyed at me, but I done what I thought would be best in the long term," I started. "Clearly I was wrong to do that and I am eternally sorry for what I have put you both through," I said folding my arms on the little table. Ghost and Missile were sat in front of me.
"It's got bad," Missile outburst suddenly. She wasn't listening to what I just said.
"I couldn't do anything about it, you weren't here, I, i-" She cut herself off as she started shaking, white smoke came from her hands. My eyes and Ghost's eyes widened.
"Missile, you're changing," Ghost said in half terror.
I stood up and instantly moved the table out of the way and leant down in front of her. "GHOST LEAVE THE ROOM NOW," I yelled at him, Missile was turning more and more white by the second.
"But i-"
"PLEASE, I HAVE PREPPED FOR THIS, NOT YOU" I said in desperation. "LOCK THE DOOR WHEN YOU LEAVE," I pleaded. Ghost simply nodded and ran quickly out of the room. The others were surprised at the door, watching what was happening.
"Music I don't know what to do," Missile said tears coming out of her eyes as she watched herself.
"Your special abilities are coming out Missile, look at me," I said taking her head in my hands. "You have prepped for this since you were a baby, we all knew this was happening, we are prepared, you're not going to hurt any one I promise," I said, my voice trembling as I wiped the tears away from her eyes.
Missile was taking deep sharp inhales as she clenched her fists tight.
"You need to take control, don't let this take over you," I said, as the blue flashes became stronger up my arms. "You are the key to saving this world from it's destruction" I said nodding at her.
"Take that power and shout I am in control!" I pleaded with her, I knew if this got the best of her it would end up killing her from the inside out.
"I a-am" She paused. "I am i-in"
"That's it, keep trying" I said as the smoke on her hands began to turn into a white ball of light. I glanced at her eyes that were glazed over black. It was like staring into nothing. Her hair had turned a jet black and she was pure white by this point.
I heard alarms going off around the building "Ignore that! Keep saying it!" I said desperately.
"I I-am-"
She was cut off by a huge spark of light coming out of her. I clenched my eyes shut, feeling the burning from her. "YOU ARE IN CONTROL" I shouted out to her, it was no use, Missile screamed out in pain as the flames and smoke became bigger and more aggressive.
"YOU ARE IN CONTROL" I kept yelling over and over gripping the sides of her seat for dear life. I was eventually swung away from her by a giant energy. Kai had activated an emergency energy barrier around me. This was gold hoops that swung all over me, stronger than the force field, it was a preparation for when Missile eventually released this new power.
Missile was shaking, it was as if she was having a seizure. I looked out at the glass and saw a load of draculoids surrounding the room. Party, Ghoul, Ghost and Adrenaline at the front watching in bewilderment. I scowled and flashed my hand around the glass to blacken it out, so that they couldn't see in. Missile wasn't a threat. Not at all.
The smoke had took over the entire room at this point. There was a large shudder. Missile's power had caused a hole in the roof to expose a huge white beam that was coming from her. The papers and furniture were spinning around the room. Tears were falling down my face, I couldn't help her, she knew what she needed to do, that was to get in control.
She began to throw beams of light at me "GET OUT," She screamed continuing to throw at me. They were that powerful they were breaking through the rings designed to protect me. I was slammed against the glass which broke the barrier I had created. My head spinning and my ears were ringing. I could hear muffled sounds from the ones outside of the room.
I coughed "I AM NEVER GOING TO LEAVE YOU, TAKE CONTROL" I yelled again at her "MISSILE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH," I screamed at her, I pushed forward, the wind getting stronger as you approached her. She had broke out of the straps of the chair and raised her hands in the air and yelled out again. She shot through the glass, hitting a draculoid. This caused more panic outside and laser beams began to blast through the glass at Missile.
"STOP IT" I yelled turning around and looking at the killjoys. My skin was flashing blue. My own eyes turned black. I knew what Missile was going through, except I knew she was capable of more than what I was. "YOU'RE MAKING IT WORSE," I yelled at the other killjoys who had their guns out. Ghost was pleading with them to stop.
Missile screamed out again and eventually let out a bigger surge of light that caused her to collapse. The power had drained all of her energy from her. I ran towards her "NO" I screamed holding her body against me. "WAKE UP MISSILE" I yelled, throwing my hand onto her chest, releasing the antidote I had crafted for her. I didn't leave a single stone unturned. I heard her eventually gasp for breath and she opened her eyes
"What happened?" Missile mumbled, coughing and almost choking on the dust
"You found your power," I whispered to her taking her into my arms and leaving the room. "IS there a bed I can put her in?" I asked more to Party. My skin was still glowing, none of them had seen me like this before.
Party nodded "Down the hall," He mumbled as everyone stood out of the way.
I tucked Missile into bed. I attached a monitor to her that tracks her oxygen levels and her heart beat. "That will keep me from freaking out," I mumbled looking at her. I wiped my nose, blood was coming out of my arms, legs and nose.
I walked out of the room, leaving a crack in it.
The dust was still settling in that little box room, everything around it and inside it had been destroyed to ashes.
Missile wasn't a monster, My plan was to ensure that no one ever thought that about her.

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