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The  hours flew by as the relaxing day crept closer. Gosh it's so exciting to get all the guys, who are dear to me,  to spoil me.  Maybe I can get some baby stuff! Oh and some cute clothes for Ryan.  I should probably get him something cute so he can show it off at his new school.  I wonder how much money is in my college funds. It's been ages since I looked in it.  Maybe I have enough for a house. Then I could be on my own and Jake could come live here, since this is where he is from. 

"Rebecca, would you like to go to the hospital now?" Jake's voice broke through.

"Huh?  No, I changed my mind. I don't want to go to the hospital today."

I sit up and stare at his lean figure.  It feels like just yesterday we were just teens sitting on that park bench deciding what we were going to do after highschool. 

"Okay, well,  what about we go shopping?" He cleared his throat before continuing. "You know, since the baby is growing and all. Plus when you give birth you will need clothes to fit again."

I stopped listening to his rambling and walked past him.  I only stopped to look at him as I walked through the door.

"Are you done now?" I said as I stood their staring at him.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry."

I walked out of the changing room wearing a blue shirt that had ruffles at the tip and the sleeves were down to my elbows, along with a pair of jeans that hugged my butt and hung, slightly, on my legs. In all it was a cute outfit, better than the tan pencil skirt and cream colored blouse. Watching his eyes skim my body made me feel a little embarrassed. 

"It's really cute. I like it." He said watching me move to the mirror.

"Such a pretty outfit on such an ugly person..." I mumbled under my breath.

I squeezed my eyes shut. I feel like I'm walking in a dream. Not just any dream, but a nightmare. I can't wake up until I'm gone. As I open my eyes I see a women holding a baby while she looks at the night time dresses. Envy washes over me. She has the life I beg for. Forget it! You're supposed to be having fun! My subconscious screams in my head. She's right. I just need to relax and have fun. This is my day! Not her's. My eyes connect with Jack's through the mirror.

"You're so beautiful. Why can't you see that?" He says as he walks up behind me never taking his eyes from mine in the mirror.

"Because I'm not. I don't see why I should see it that way when I'm dying from the inside-out." I said looking away.

"We should go to another store. It might help you find some stuff for the baby." 

He payed for the outfit and dragged me to the car. I hate how everywhere I go death lingers over, waiting for his time to strike. I really should stop focusing on death and focus on getting the rest of my life on track before it's over. I squeezed my eyes shut. When I open them there will be no more talk of death or anything. 1.......2.........3. As I opened my eyes I let the depressing stuff fall behind and the good stuff stick. 

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