Chapter nine

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She couldn't sleep that night, due to the thunder, she couldn't close her eyes without remembering her father.

The night he died, it was thundering, she remembered when he told some dad jokes that were cheesy. It was raining hard too, she remembered it hitting the window as they both laughed and chatted.- That's when she could smile.

He got the worst of it.

She sighs, throwing the blankets off her body, having it land on her cat and kittens, which they didn't mind due to the warmth.

She made her way downstairs, getting a glass of water to clear her thoughts.

As she gulped down the water, closing her eyes tightly as she felt herself needing to breathe. But she was chugging it down, trying to finish it in one sip.

She gasps for air, placing the cup down as she turns and looks to her side at the calendar, it was a Saturday, but something seemed off. She knew that she was missing something, before quickly remembering.

Her eyes slightly widen, lifting her resting hand from the counter and bring it to her chest, almost knocking the glass cup.

She takes a few steps back, her e/c eyes widen as her body trembled, she gripped at her chest.

Her sister was coming back.

" are you sure you will be okay?"

Y/n's eyes gazed up into her aunts, she looked back down at the ground and nodded her head like a small child.

" I can always- Hi a/n..." Y/n flinched, hearing her voice as her aunt looks up at her with a small smile.

" Hi!...your taking her right?" Y/n looks up at the women with wide eyes, she was eighteen but looked older. She had black hair, with e/c eyes with a white dress shirt and black jeans.

She looks from her aunt to Y/n, making it hard to breathe. The last time that she saw her was when she was leaving for America, she tried to convince her that she could go instead. It didn't work out.

Their aunt looks at Y/n and her sister, they were looking at each other with cold looks. Having her sigh.

" Bring her back before 4 pm, call me if something happens" she walks back into the house, leaving them both outside.

" I'm sorry... I didn't realize-...." her sister's voice broke, her lips quivering, turning away to look away from her. When she looks at her, she remembered everything she shouted at her in pure sadness and rage. She didn't mean any of it, but she was ashamed of herself for putting the blame on her.

" I-It's okay...." her grasp tightens on her shirt, turning and looking at her younger sister.

" It's not okay and will never be okay! What I did was very wrong! What mom did was very wrong! Whenever I look at you I think of all the things I shouted at you, and it will never go away!" She exclaims, tears falling out of her e/c eyes as she grasps at her shirt, her head falling to where it was looking down at the ground.

Y/n looks at her with a frown as her sister trembles in sadness. Her whole family is falling apart, and she can't do anything about it sep for being apologized to. That's not what she wants.

" apologizing doesn't do anything, it only brings up the past" her sister's eyes widen as Y/n walks past her, as if in slow motion, her sisters took a glance at her face to see a stoic expression. What was even more shocking was that she didn't have any problems speaking that sentence.

Y/n walked away from her and into the car that waited for them both, they were going to see their mother today. How disappointing.


" Oh-Y/n?... I'm sorry she's not here right now, she's with her sister" the host club looks at the aunt with an eyebrow raised as she softly smiled. They waited at the front door with there car behind them. Haruhi wanted to go home, Koyoa didn't care, Tamaki wanted to check up on her, Hikaru and Kaoru wanted to play with cats, Honey wanted treats and Mori... I'm not sure what he wanted, no one really knows what he wants.

" Isn't her sister living in America?" Tamaki questions, A/n nods her head.

" Yup, but she came to stop by to pick her up so they can see her mother. They won't be back after 4 pm..." A/n didn't want them over. She of coarse liked them for being Y/n's friends and loves how caring they are but they shouldn't hang out with her after she had just talked to her sister and now her mother. She will probably need to be alone for a while so she can get her thoughts straight.

" Oh.... well can we wait for her?" Koyoa suddenly asks, he didn't mean to, but it slipped.

" Ahh-...well, how do I explain this while not saying too much detail?" She asks herself, putting a hand to her chin as she lightly tapped her foot. She was thinking of a way to explain the situation without saying too much detail.

" well... she hasn't seen her sister since her father's death... and there also seeing her mother today, which when they come back, she probably won't be in the mood if that makes any sense?" She looks up at them and they all nodded their head's in agreement, Honey was upset that he wouldn't be able to have any sweets but he doesn't want to hurt Y/n's feelings, so he understood. For Koyoa, he got an answer for one of the things he was looking

" Koyoa... why did you ask that question? Do you have feelings for her?!" Tamaki quickly asks, Koyoa smirks, pushing up his glasses.

" No, but I did get an answer from her..." they all raised a brow.

" Wait... how did you?" Haruhi started but soon stopped when Koyoa looked at her with a smirk.

" Simple. I now know that her mother puts her in a bad mood, even her sister. Making it either she dislikes them which is the least theory. But you also have the theory of some sort of events took place after his death... but I still don't understand one thing..." he mutters out, that weirder Haruhi out to the max. As for the others, they didn't really think about it.

" Your a stalker Koyoa, and you know it"


Word count: 1101

Posted: 9/28/20


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