My Angel

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Most sexually repressed, virgins, don't take care of needs, ashamed of their body and its needs. Been lied to all their life, really innocent unless they are higher up to the point of being oblivious. Virgin choir children.

Have a republic if you squint, but it can look like a dictatorship to literally anyone who isn't an angel.

Have beautiful white wings and wear white clothes. Gender stereotypes? What are those? They wear whatever they feel like on a particular day. Though, it's frowned upon to have a skirt or shorts that don't go below the knee.

A little known fact is that when aroused, Angel's will produce this sweet substance dubbed slick, and their bodies will grow hot. They're told this is a shameful feeling and a test of their faith. This is just a natural part of their body and shouldn't be frowned upon by others. (Get the AOB vibes yet?)

Fallen Angels:

Still sexually repressed from their time as an angel yet have some release, probably fell because they engaged in the act with most likely a demon, care for their needs now that the wool has been lifted. Used to be respected yet now are shunned because of the angel dictator.

Have more of a club since there's only so many, yet they are great at running their factions.

Have the same wings but now shades of red and black but never pure black. Wear similar clothes to humans actually, still have no regard for gender norms. Dress how they want.

Also, produce this slick as they are still Angels, though a fallen Angel can become pregnant no matter the gender. Technically so can an Angel but whatever.


It is a hodgepodge mess of sexually active, sexually repressed, and asexual. Lose their virginity when they want...most of the time... Unaware demons and angels exist actually.

The government depends on the country.

They are humans like you and me(That's a bold assumption I know), so they wear whatever. Have more ideological gender norms but not as bad as the real world.

Don't have a sexual feature as they are humans...


Sexually active, probably haven't been virgins since they were kids and lost it as a teenager, can be impulsive when it comes to sex, tend to charm Angels, and show them their body is beautiful by fucking them. Sweet to angels.

Have a monarchy/republic mix, both sides regularly check and balance each other. The monarch is expected to have an heir, but that's not hard since demons tend to have a plethora of partners to impregnate.( Edit: Dude, I just realised I forgot the republic part lol. I'm too lazy to change it now.)

Have snappy bat wings that can be most any color but white, Also have a tail and horns. They have long forked tongues, great for use in the bedroom. Demons wear clothes that border on the slutty side and tend to forgo underwear.

Demons rarely go into what is dubbed a rut.(Come on you getting the AOB vibes) This is the result of too much pent up arousal. They fuck anything that breaths and has a womb, though usually, they fuck a plethora of humans if there are no angels. Aim to impregnate and are good at it in a rut. Lose their head a bit. Can smell arousal.

Half and halves:

A mixture of the above, half-demon humans are much, much more common then half-demon angeld. Usually the result of the mixing of races(Shocking right?). Otherwise, they tend to act humanlike.

My Angel, My Demon.| RusAme| Angel and Demon AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя