My Demon

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"Alfie!" A young boy called

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"Alfie!" A young boy called

"Mattie." Another answers before coughing a bit

A small angel boy ran towards another, the other was beaten within an inch of his life. Blood stains the white cloth he wore, on top of the others much older stains.

"Alfie, I told you you don't need to do this. I can fend for myself." Matthew said gently trying to stop the bleeding

"What kind of brother would I be if I stood by? I can't let my older bro get hurt." Alfred said

"You idiot!! I'm supposed to protect you." Matthew says before crying

"Shh, it's okay Matthew. I'd do anything for you bro." Alfred said gently, holding Matthew close.

Matthew sprung awake, breathing heavily. The last bits of the dream, no memory coming to him. His boyfriend is woken up and sits up worriedly. His girlfriend follows suit, holding Matthew close.

Alfie. Alfred. My little brother. Matthew realized they were all one.

Apparently, the first thing he did was yell "Alfie! " Upon waking from his 2-month coma. The name haunted him, who was Alfie? The person it belonged to always evaded him, maybe a flash of blue or a bit of blonde but nothing to identify.

But, that dream... Alfie is his little brother, his younger twin. He has a brother, a family before the incident!

"Birdie, are you okay?" His boyfriend Gilbert asked gently

"Yeah," Matthew said with a genuine smile and tears in his eyes

"Are you sure?" His girlfriend Katyusha whispered gently

"I remembered someone," Matthew said happily

"Oh, that is wonderful news! Who, who?!" Kat asked

"I have a twin brother, his name is Alfred," Matthew says

"A bruder? Oh mein gott, this is wonderful! Someone who knew you before...the incident." Gilbert trailed off

Kat thought about her siblings, of which she had left. Her sister didn't understand why she was leaving, her brother Ivan however understood. He always understood her. She hadn't thought about them in years, she didn't regret leaving but it hurt to be away from her family.

"I want to find him again..." Matthew said gently

"Of course birdie, if I forgot Luddy I would search everywhere for him," Gilbert said, he was referring to his brother Ludwig. He hates being called Luddy, so Gilbert uses it most.

Well, he hates it from everyone but his half-demon boyfriend Feliciano. He gets special privileges. Though, that would be assuming Feli actually used it.

Anyway, it's pretty late...Early? And the three are tired, despite the dream from their amnesiac boyfriend. They all lay down again and cuddle up. Matthew sandwiched in between the two, half lying on the bed half lying on Kat's chest. Which, he will confirm is more comfortable than any pillow.

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