Author's note

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Holy crap, I actually finished this story! I've been working on it for so long it's not even funny like I swear it's slowly drained my life away. But, I regret nothing.

This story was meant to be read all...*Serious math ensues* 6,000 + 12,000= 18,000 words straight but I've broken it apart in no particular place because reasons-

In reality, this story was born as a 1,000-word smut-shot about an angel falling. And now it's 18× as many words and only so much actual smut.

I'm not sure if this story zapped my insanity or my sleep more and honestly it's both. I mean, here I am writing this Author's note at 1 AM (Edit: 4 AM) when I haven't even bothered editing this crap yet.

A special thanks to offical_Michigan and woodsnstuff for dealing with my bullshit the entire time and getting more spoilers than is needed. I think they're the only reason I stayed semi-sane.

I also legit almost cried when I reached the end of My Demon because holy crap kill me I worked so hard and finally. Finally, it's over. Though, If someone asks for a sequel I will scree so much the people in China will be wondering wtf. But then the idea will be implanted in my head and it'll probably get written anyway.

Now, I'm actually gonna go edit this shit and/or sleep and do it on a better mindset. But then I have to get up early and do a shit ton of school work anyway and I'd prefer to pull an all-nighter so I can get this story finalized and breath. Finally. I also gotta get that 2 AM Among Us in- (Edit: That actually didn't happen lol, I've been editing for 3 hours-)

So yeah, I'm gonna go chug as an energy drink (Edit- I did actually drink an energy drink-) and just fuck my health up because it's fun. Apparently. Though, when I do post this it'll probably be really late today or really early tomorrow. (Edit: Nope, really early today. Around... 6 or 7 probably... Or when I remember...)

Wish me luck in my academic self-destruction, cause it's going pretty well. I can already hear the people coming to lecture me about taking care of myself better. *cough* Rose_Creepypasta1 *couch* AHWolflady *coughs harder* woodsnstuff *cough cough*

Sorry. Something got lodged in my throat. Probably my own bullshit.

Welp, thank you for reading. Though I doubt you actually got this far.

What is- Fuck it, I edited this so much asking what editing is would just take away any credit man...

Au revoir!

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