My son.

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I was sitting in my chair in the living room with my son in my hands. The others should be home soon from their hunt.

I was a bit worried of how they would act towards him but Edward and Bella had Nessie so they could somehow understand. I was hoping that Rose would be as happy about him as I was. But I would not be okay if she would think that it was just her son. No way!!

Just as I thought that the door opened to a frightened Alice and a worried Jasper. Rose behind them looking like she was trying to find me, and I was right, she looked me in the eyes and she smiled hugely.

"Hello beautiful" I said to her. She smiled lovingly at me. But stopped as she must have heard his heartbeat. She looked down and her gorgeous eyes shined with happiness and unshed tears.

"Love, I would like for you to meet OUR son, Christopher" I said.

"Really Em, we have a son." She cried.

I took her hand and led her to the love seat. I placed him carefully in her arms, since he was asleep.

"Wow Em, he looks so much like you. So beautiful." She whispered out with a lot of emotions.

Poor poor Jasper. I thought.

And again as I thought that they came over.

Jasper had a look of pure curiosity and love. Alice with love and happiness.

I smiled hugely at them.

"Now it's only you we need to find a kid for." I blinked to Jazz. He looked frightened but with a huge smile.

"You would never hurt your own child Jazz. We all have faith in you. Remember that you are the strongest out of all of us. So you will do just fine." I said with a smile.

I know that a lot of people think that I can't be serious but anything other than games. But FYI I can. And I'm gonna be more now, but still be me. FYI I have a son now. I need to be a parent.

I kissed Rose and stood up to go make him a bootle for him. Carlisle went out and bought the necessary to feed him. I would let Rose buy what she waned for him.

I got back in and handed it to Rose, just as he woke up.

He looked at her with such curiosity. He giggled and took a lok of her hair in his teeny tiny hand. Rose smiled hugely at him and gave him the bottle.

"I was thinking Rosie, if you waned to make his room? And get him what you would like for him to have?" I asked her.

She looked at me with a grin.

"I have just the idea. Thank you for all this Em" she gave me a kiss and layed Chris in my arms and took Alice's hand and ran out.

I looked down at my son.

"I guess it's just us guys now haw kiddo." Jazz laughed and took a seat next to me and looked at Chris.

"You want to hold him?" I asked. Sending love and trust his way. He grinned at me and nodded slowly.

Jazz with a kid in his arms looked like it was meant to be. I had to help him become a father. Somehow I just knew it. I can't explain it. I just have to. I took a picture of them and just looked at the to of them play together.

Chris looked like he was almost 6 months old. And watching him play peek a boo was kind of funny.

Man I love my son.

Emmett and Rosalie's Son. Small short story. completedWhere stories live. Discover now