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Silence swallowed the hospital premises. The night sky gave the entire building a silhouette likeness to a horrific slaughterhouse. Breeze raced through the broken glass windows, cooling off dead bodies that littered the hallways and drying blood stains that splattered on the walls.

The lights were out entirely; machines dead, computers busted and sockets sparking up like fireworks. Each medical station had doctors pasted to walls like butchered meat and patients confined to their beds headless, or without any vital body parts. The dark hallway had individuals scattered all over the place; bodies hanging head-first on the ceiling, workers driven hard into walls till their bones crushed, heads ripped off from different patients lay on the ground with eyes bloated.

Most bodies had a bright trace of light at the spots they got hit. The kind of light you see when laser beams tear through a chunk of flesh.

Nothing moved in the darkness, no one spoke in its hollowness. The only thing heard were blood drips and sparking power outlets. But something or someone else treaded within this display of chaos.

A purple light source that appeared to be a pair hovered through the dark passages; they were eyeballs precisely, eyes that scanned through the shivering aftermath. The being who wielded these luminous eyes made his way through the pile of dead bodies in his path.

The slightest movement he noticed, deadly beams blasted from his eyes, burning down anything it made contact with. Then he resumes his aimless death trek through the halls.

He was a youth probably in his early twenties. He wore a white patient’s trousers which implied he too was admitted into the hospital. His torso was stained with blood- shoulder to loin-The medical pants was also stained with blood. His arms still had pieces of flesh stuck on them; brains, arteries, lumps of mashed kidneys and so many more. His dark straight hair looked like a bowl of red dye fell on it.

A pattern spanned across his bare chest glowing with a purple array of light as well. The symbol on his chest looked more like a mark made by a hot iron rod.
He strode rigidly through the massacre he caused, looking for the next living soul.

“Such an unfortunate test subject, and test site- don’t you think the same?” a voice spoke out in the darkness, addressing another figure by his side.

“Ah, yes indeed!” the other figure responds with a slight chuckle as they both watch the murdering youth walk past them.

These men weren’t the usual kind of guys you meet on streets or anywhere else. You could tell by the luminous translucent eyes and shadow cloaking that somehow enabled them to remain hidden in the darkness.

They remained hidden not because they feared the berserk youth, but because they loved the killing show that went on for about 2 hours. They didn’t want to interrupt that.

The first man wore a brown coat that dropped to his toes, covering a pair of boots and cotton pants. He also had a hat on his head and a spectacle that hung in front of his red eyes.

The other man was more muscular than the first. He was dressed completely in a tuxedo, dark gloves worn on each hand. A lighted cigar danced on his lip as he laughed on.

“Belial should’ve aborted when she had the chance. She only proved nothing but foolishness when she meddled with projects beyond her intellectual digestion,” the first man said.

The second man spits out his cigar, the burnt chunk piercing the corpse of a nurse like a bullet. He pulls another from his pocket and lights it up with his breath.
“What do you expect from demons?” he said, taking huge puffs before letting out a faint fiery smoke that brightens up the place for seconds “Their plots are always devised on the table of madness and hastened decisions. Just look at the pint of blood wasted around this place! This could fuel rituals for 50 years straight!” he gazes once again at the pile of corpses.

MATT MIRACLEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora