Chapter EightTeen

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I was still shaky from the events of last night, especially with the picture of Barry and I and a baby I apparently had yet to conceive.

That photo had to of been edited, right? It was clearly a joke the Reverse Flash was playing.

I walked with Caitlin and Cisco, the three of us debating something absolutely ridiculous.

"Check the math. Your dispersal models don't correlate." I said with Caitlin as she nodded.

"Uh, they do if you factor in the seasonal fluctuations in reproduction cycles." Cisco said with a scoff as Dr. Wells appeared.

"What are we discussing?" He asked as I smirked.

"The average amount of bugs Barry swallows in a day of running." I said as Wells chuckled.

"I look forward to seeing you accept your Nobel, Miss Agápi." He said as we walked into the Cortex.

"Where is Barry any- Oh my god Barry!" I dropped the notebook that I had been holding as I ran up to Barry, who was lying on the floor in the center of the Cortex, groaning and humming in pain.

"Oh my god what happened?!" I said as I helped Cisco get him up on the stretcher. Barry could barely talk through the pain.

After a while, we were finally able to diagnose what happened. "Thirteen fractures." Caitlin said as I crossed my arms.

"Thats a new record." She continued as I frowned at Barry's hand.

"And that's just in his hand?" I asked as she nodded.

"You also have a concussion, three cracked ribs, and a bruised spleen."

"Jesus Barry what did you hit? A semi?" I said as he let out a soft chuckle before frowning.

"No. A man." Everyone stopped.

"A-A man? Like... flesh and bones?" I said as he shook his head.

"More like metal and bones." Barry said as Dr. Wells hummed.

"Interesting. A man of steel." He said quickly as my brain worked its way into making an evil supervillain name.

"Dude, why didn't you call us?" Cisco asked as I nodded.

"We could have helped." I said as Barry sighed.

"I didn't know what he was. Besides... I was off duty." That, in turn got a raise of a brow from me as I glanced over at Caitlin, who shrugged.

"Lucky he didn't knock out your teeth. Those puppies don't grow back." Cisco said as I nodded, sitting down next to Barry as I slowly grabbed his hand, inspecting the bruised areas.

I could feel him stiffen up at the sudden touch, which happened to have caused him pain, considering the silent hiss he let escape his clenched teeth.

"So. You weren't... Talking to Iris as the Flash, we're you?" I said quietly as Barry's eyes widened.

"Um... M-Maybe?" He said as I dropped his hand in a small fit of anger. He ended up yelling quietly.

"You adorable idiot." I said as he rubbed his wrist, frowning at me. "You know you aren't supposed to do that, you could get caught. Iris could find out who you are." This only ended with a smile from Barry as I stood up.

His voice began to vibrate as he spoke. "Actually I can do this cool thing with my vocal chords." He said as my eyes widened, a small fear coursing through me which made my body stiffen up. I couldn't even move if I tried, I felt glued in place.

"Cora?" Caitlin asked as Barry's face contorted into confusion and worry. I snapped out of my fearful trance, looking at Caitlin.

"S-sorry. I'm fine." I said as Barry slowly stood up, trying his best to move slowly.

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