Chapter Thirty-Three

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"So Eddie. When all of this blows over, care to watch Avengers: Endgame? I already know how it ends but it doesn't hurt to watch." I said with a chuckle, one that Eddie barely reciprocated.

"I-I'm not so sure, Cora." Eddie said as I frowned.

"What do you mean?" I asked, crossing my arms as Eddie sighed.

"Wells showed me the future. See. . . Iris lied, about saying how I proposed." Eddie said as I frowned.

"What? Why would she lie about that?"

"Because. . . Wells showed me the future. I-I don't have a purpose in the future. I don't, become the hero or get the girl. I don't leave an impact." Eddie said as I scoffed.

"So? That's Wells showing a future that has yet to happen. You still have time to be the hero, Eddie. You have the girl." I said as Eddie looked down at his shoes, sighing. "Besides, why are you being so depressing and dark when all I asked was to watch a movie with you?" I laughed, and this time, Eddie only smiled.

"And besides Eddie, what are the odds of your great-great-great-great-grandson appearing here, with the same profession in the same building? And that part of his plan to get home would mean that he'd have to preserve and protect your life. That makes you this rare thing that no scientist can plan for." I said with a smile.

"Which is?" Eddie asked with a raise of his brow.

"An anomaly. Or, coincidence. But there is no science in coincidence." I said as Eddie chuckled quietly. "You are the only person in this whole story
who gets to choose his own future." I said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"I guess you're right. I shouldn't really be sad about any of this. How about tomorrow for the Avengers?" Eddie said as I smiled, clapping my hands together.

"Sounds great! Then we can start off with Captain America series!" I skipped away to the Cortex as I heard Eddie chuckle before he went silent, and my gut told me to turn back around to Eddie, but I still pushed forward.

As I entered, the computer blipped, alerting Cisco. His face practically told us what happened. There was still a danger to this, mainly to everyone.

A chance that a huge black hole could erupt and suck us up faster than my vacuum can suck up my food.

"Your particle accelerator's been about as reliable as the beater I drove in high school." Joe said as I forced back a chuckle, watching as Wells- Eobard, frowned at Barry's foster dad.

"Let me ask you a question. How many meta-humans... how many dangers... have we faced this year together? Or did you forget that was me fighting alongside each and every one of you? I have been planning this for almost two decades. It will work." Eobard said in a menacing voice, one that made me step closer to Barry.

His arm immediately snaked around my waist, my hand gripping his.

"And how do we make sure that this black hole doesn't appear and eat us up faster than I eat my tacos on taco Tuesday?" I asked as Eobard rolled his eyes.

"So, once the wormhole stabilizes,

"Barry will have 1 minute and 52 seconds to alter the past and return to this time. If and when he does that, you can close the wormhole, and we can all live happily ever after." He said quickly as I looked up at Barry, but he didn't dare to meet my gaze.

"Almost two minutes. More than enough time to save Nora." Eobard continued as I squeezed Barry's hand.

I forced myself to zone out, my mind racing as I thought about what my life would be like once Barry changed it. But my mind couldn't think of that.

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