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[photo from Boruto ep 55]

Present Time: Konohagakure

Boruto stood outside their house for a second before opening the door. He sat on the genkan (entrance) to remove his jika-tabi (kind of footwear) and noticed how there’s an empty space between where he would usually put his shoes and Himawari’s--that space is meant for Naruto’s footwear. But judging from the amount of time he had seen that space empty, it’s clear that his father hasn’t been home for longer that usual.

'That old man', he scorned.

"Welcome home, brother!" Boruto almost got crushed by the weight of his little sister when she threw herself on him to give him a welcoming hug. Himawari never failed to somehow lift Boruto’s mood up whenever his oniichan is feeling down.

The blonde teen was about halfway up the stairs when his Mom called his attention.

"Boruto, dinner's ready."

"I'll be right down in a bit, Mom." He gave her a smile.

When Boruto reached his room, he immediately flopped down on his bed and looked up the ceiling.

"[Dad] broke his promise again.” he knitted his brows. Naruto made a promise to Boruto that he would be home for dinner to celebrate Himawari’s excellent results in the academy’s routine evaluation. But unfortunately, his dad didn’t make it to said dinner.

Boruto already understood why his Hokage father couldn’t always be with them. But what he doesn’t understand is that why would his father make such promises in the first place, when he isn’t even sure he could keep them?

That promised was made more than a month ago.

"Hn. Ofcourse he'd forget again. It's nothing new" Boruto scoffed as he crossed his arms behind his head.

Since he couldn’t get a hold of his father who promised to train him, Boruto has been feeling frustrated about his kekkei genkai. There was even a time when he did errands for his Hanabi-nechan just so she would agree to secretly train him about doujutsu (despite her busy schedule). And his Grandpa Hiashi eventually discovering the arrangement between the two, offered...well, more like showed off his own experties to his "most adorable grandson".

After almost half an hour under the scrutiny of both the byakugan users after a week of training--to their surprise, Hiashi said that his 'Jougan' is surprisingly structured closer to Sharingan than that of a Byakugan. In other words, they wouldn't be of much help in teaching him about his newfound kekkei genkai. But then again, those circumstances led him to  his now Master Sasuke and took him as his very first student.

'I'm really glad that Sasuke-san accepted me as his student. Maybe I could ask him more about my eye on our next training', he blissfully thought.

"Speaking of Sasuke-san, I haven't seen him in over a year now since our last training", he wondered.


"Aim a little higher to the left like this" Sasuke instructed as he threw a shuriken and it curved perfectly to hit the target on the side of the tree.

"I wonder if Sarada could to do that too" Boruto didn't realized he murmured his thoughts out loud.

"Why don't you ask her yourself." Sasuke turned towards one of the trees behind them. "Sarada, you can come out of your hiding spot now."

"Wha-" Boruto startled as he saw Sarada hop off of one the trees. He didn't even realized that she was observing them for who knows how long. It motivated him to train his senses more.

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