Chapter 2

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Hi!! it's me again. Here is the 2nd Chapter hope you like ittt :)))


love y'all <33

Harry/Marcel P.O.V

Harry had a lot on his mind. His concerts were coming up and he had to go to London for an interview this weekend. Sometimes it was really hard to manage living two lives. Harry had a lot on his plate he had been living like this since the beginning of his junior year. It wasn't that long but he was quite famous and his fame was increasing by the second. It wasn't hard to hide his identity because no one really spoke to him really. Why would anyone want to be friends with a nerd? A gay guy who is also a nerd. Only a couple of people knew his identity his Mum, Maria their maid, his best mate Liam and school principal Mr. Wood. His Mum had to tell the principal about the situation to help him out when he had to leave for his interview, concerts, and such.

Harry finally made it to school and parked in one of the furthest spots from the school building. He usually parked away from everyone. Harry didn't like it when he caught people's attention. He preferred being invisible for once.

Harry got out of his and locked it. He walked over to the school building and pulled out his Marcel phone to check the time his first class was starting in 5 minutes. He put the phone back into his pocket and opened the school's door.

When he pulled the door open he saw that corridors were full of students talking and walking. No one even noticed his presence which he was pretty glad about. He started walking up to his locker.

While he was walking he heard a couple of familiar voices behind him. Before he knew it they pushed them against some lockers and looked at him with pure disgust and hate.

"Get out of the way fag" said boy with raven black hair and hazel eyes.

"s-sorry" I mumbled quietly. They glanced at me one last time before leaving me pressed against the locker. My back hurting a little bit. I sighed in relief.

He was lucky that they let him go. Normally they would beat him up every chance they got. The black-haired guy was Zayn. Zayn Malik, he was one of the star players of the football team. He was pretty popular too. Then there was Luke Hemmings and Ashton Irwin they were also on the team. 

But lastly, there was Louis Tomlinson. Louis was the captain of the football team he is the most popular guy in the school. He has the most amazing ocean blue eyes that you would get lost in. He has feathery-looking brown hair that usually styled in a side fringe. He is so perfect, his everything is. He is also so fit too. Probably the fittest guy in the school with those breathtakingly huge biceps and the most beautiful ass I've ever seen. 

I might have the slightest crush on him. I know that he is my bully and I shouldn't like him but I can't help myself. He is so perfect. But at the end of the day, it's a fact that I have no chance of dating him.

First of all, he is the captain of the football team and he has a reputation he would never date a loser like me.

Secondly, he is not gay obviously. He has a girlfriend of 2 years, Eleanor Calder. She has light brown hair and brown eyes she is actually a really pretty girl but not my type. She is also the leader of the cheerleading squad. They are perfect for each other they are both popular.

Thirdly he is my bully. I shouldn't like him but I do. He obviously hates me. He doesn't beat me up much as others do but still. He doesn't do anything to stop them either. I know he is a lovely guy inside. He doesn't show it but I can see it in his eyes.

I know we would never happen but I still like him.

I heard the bell rang and I quickly ripped out of my thoughts and grabbed my English books and walked away from my locker.

I made my way into my first class. I opened the door and got in luckily the teacher still wasn't there so I sat down in the back of the class by myself.

I always sat alone in the back because no one wanted to sit next to me. But I was okay with it.

I opened up my English books and ran through the pages curious about the upcoming year.

When I heard footsteps coming towards me I looked up and saw a blond-haired lad. He sat next to me. It was weird that he sat next to me because there were still some empty seats.

I eyed the boy curiously. He had blond hair it looked like it was dyed. He has adorable blue eyes and he was wearing skinny black jeans and some navy blue v neck shirt.

He saw me staring" Hi I'm Naill. Niall Horan." he said as he smiled. He put his hand up for me to shake it.

"Hi I-" I said I was about to introduce myself but I realized I used my normal voice I usually made my voice less deep so that my appearance fitted my voice too. I mentally face palmed myself.

"Hi, I'm H-Marcel. Marcel Cox" I said smiling and I shook his hand. I used my Marcel voice but I almost said, Harry. What's wrong with me today. Probably from the nervousness because Marcel never talked to anyone really.

"Nice to meet you, Marcel," He said giving a bigger smile in return.

The boy was about to say something but Ms. Roberts entered the classroom. Everyone stopped talking and the room quieted down. She started talking about the new year and something about the class I honestly don't know I wasn't paying attention. I may look like a nerd but I don't listen to the teacher most of the time.

Then the classroom door opened and not other than Louis Tomlinson entered the class. Shit. I forgot he had the same class too. I hate and also love being in the same class as him. Because ı get to see his beautiful face and class don't be so boring when you got something that beautiful to look at. But he also calls me names and pushes me around all the time. 

He didn't even bother to give an excuse why he was late and the teacher knew that whatever she said he wouldn't bother so she just let it slide.

He walked over to the empty seat that was his and sat down. Everyone knew it was his seat and no one wanted a black eye so they kept their distance.

The class went on pretty boring. There wasn't much to do the teacher didn't start the lesson much too. When the bell was heard Marcel got up and left the classroom and got to his locker to grab his books for his next class.

He heard some footsteps coming towards him he closed his eyes hoping it wasn't Zayn. When I turned around to see a smiling Niall.

"Hi again, Um... I was thinking since I'm new I don't know the school maybe you can give me a tour?" Niall asked with a hopeful smile. I thought would it be a good idea to help him out. Then I decided it can't cause any harm to help out a 'friend'. Omg Niall was Marcel's first friend! Kinda friend but still.

"Yeah, of course," I said and closed my locker.

"When are you free ?" I asked " I have the 3rd period free I was hoping I could have studied but I would like to help you out more," I said.

"I don't know I need to check my schedule" Then he opened his phone and entered his password and he eyed his schedule.

"Ohh I have it free too," he said excitedly.

"Then I will see you after the second period," I said and gave him a quick wave before I started headed to my next class.

Niall seemed like a good lad. He was easy to talk to and he had this vibe, like rays of sunshine, and rainbows.  You know what I mean. He was hopefully going to be Marcel's first friend too. Marcel thought while his second class of the day was starting.

yey I finished it lmao

I can't really find the motivation to write soo if you comment and vote it will mean so much to me:))))

love y'all xxx

~ N ♡

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