Part 16

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It's been a week since Akash's funeral and Mami's disappearance and a day since the discovery of her body and her last rites were performed.

Manohar sat down in his bedroom caressing a picture of Mami and remembered the first time he met Manorama and how their life started.



Manohar had just completed his higher education at Harvard and come down to surprise his father and baby sister.

He was entering the mansion for the fist time in four years but instead of being welcomed with a warm and happy atmosphere, he was welcomed with his mother beating an old man with a stick.

"How dare you burn my saree...... Do you know how expensive it is. " Nani yelled and hit the man again.

Manohar wasn't surprised because his mother had always loved status and money more than anything.

He saw his sister crying and most shocking was his energetic father was in a wheelchair chair crying silently.

"Amma stop it. " Ratna yelled trying to pull her mother of the old man but she jerked her off.

She then stopped and threw the stick away and matched up her husband.

"This is all your fault...... You gave them too much liberty and respect and now they think they are equal to us...... These filthy middle class low lives are beneath us but you have given them the power to think we are equal to them by respecting and mingling with them. " Nani yelled at her immobile husband.

"Enough Amma." Ratna cried and moved closer to her father. "Papa respect for them paid off...... While you were busy entertaining your so called friends, they took Papa to the hospital when he suffered his stroke....... Papa would have died if not for them...... The man you are beating saved Papa and even if he accidentally burnt your saree, you should have spared him for saving Papa but you are too heartless to see. " Ratna yelled in tears at her mother.

Nani looked angrily at the man and he stood up with bruises all over his body and face.

"God will punish you. " The man cursed in tears. " Someday, you will lose everything you hold dear in your life because of you looking down on people because they are not of your status...... God will definitely punish you. " The man cried and limped away passing by Manohar and that was when they all saw him.

Ratna run and hugged her brother and Manesh smiled see this son.

Nani was also happy seeing his son and yanked Ratna off him and was about to hug him when Manohar jerked her off himself and moved closer to his father and hugged him.

He then scolded Ratna for lying about their father's condition and Ratna said it was his father's wish not for him to know before losing his speech.

He settled in and caught up with his sister and family totally ignoring his mother which irked him.

The next day Manohar went to visit the man who was beaten by his mother to apologize  and that was when he met Manorama and he happens to be the Manorama's guardian after her parents died.

It was love at first sight for both of them. He apologized and gave the man some money for his treatment.

To be closer to Manorama, he convinced his mother to hire Manorama as their father's caretaker and Nani agreed since she found her husband's immobility a burden to her social life.

Love And Revenge. ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant