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   Me,Max,Doody,Sonny and Putzie are all hanging out at a diner when I see Kenickie and Danny enter.

Lara:Hey guys.Kenickie,Zuko.Over here.

   The boys come over and sit down with us and i continue to eat my cheeseburger.

Doody:Know what I heard?.


Doody:Last year the fuzz had Thunder Road staked out and everyone got hauled to the clink.

Kenickie:No one'll catch Grease Lightning.



Rizzo walks towards us eating a hot dog.

Rizzo:Somebody snaking you Danny?.

We see Sandy eating food with a Jock at a table near us.

Danny:Bite the weenie Riz.

Rizzo:With relish."Leaves".

Danny:I don't know about these chicks.

Kenickie:Yeah they're only good for one thing.

Sonny:What do you do with em the other 23 hours 45 minutes a day?.

Putzie:Is that all it takes 15 minutes?.

Lara:30 if you wanna savor the moment.

Max:Gross I didn't need that picture of you.

Sandy walks pass our table and someone whistles at her as she goes over to the Jukebox.

Danny:I'll be right back."Gets up".


   I am at the gym with Danny to see Coach Calhoun.Danny puffs out some cigarette smile near the coaches face.

Calhoun:Let's start with the first rule.Cut
it down to two packs a day."Takes Danny's cigarette putting it out".There we go.What sort of athletics are you interested in?.You like the rings?.

Danny:Yeah I installed a set just a couple of weeks ago.

Calhoun:The first thing we have to do is you have to change.

Danny:That's why I'm here to change.

Lara:He means your clothes Dumbo.


   Danny leaves to change and soon he is resdy and we go outside to the basketball court and Coach blows his whistle.

Calhoun:Alright.Let's knock it off.Fellas I wanna introduce a new man.Danny.Let's give him a tryout.

   A kid throws Danny the ball and Danny looks at him and points his finger.

Danny:Better watch it.

Calhoun:"Clapping".C'mon,C'mon,C'mon. A little fire here we go.

Cruisin For A Bruisin | A Grease FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now