Chapter 2: Don't tell me what to do!

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A friendly, orange-haired teacher greeted their students with a smile. He stood in-front of the white board and in his hand was a purple dry erase marker.

"Take a seat, students! You'll be paired up today and your partner will assist you throughout your time here in the space academy." He spoke clearly and loudly for everyone to hear.

Many students were already sitting at the wooden desks in the back of the room. The smell of the trash bin at the entrance was that of a half-eaten banana and stale bread.

"Ugh." Kimmy grunted as she clasped her nose, "Haven't you ever heard of garbage day?"

The teacher chuckled, "Ah, I've been meaning to get around to it. Maybe later."

Kimmy took her seat as far away from the bin as possible. Josse sat right next to her with a dumb grin on her freckled face.

"Uh? What do YOU think you are doing? Why would someone like me EVER want you as my partner?" Kimmy protested.

Josse shrugged, "I'm not moving. You get up and take a different spot if you-"

Kimmy shoved Josse, "Don't tell me what to do!"

Josse gently punched Kimmy's shoulder, "Okay, boss."

As Kimmy and Josse were fighting, Sam and Emily sat beside each other at a desk. Sam took a quick glance up at Emily's pretty face and immediately turned away. Emily was pretty. Her blue hair was strange and her eyes had a golden tint to them. They sparkled. Sam blushed.

"I'm glad you'll be my partner." Emily said abruptly.

Sam's face was as red as a stop sign, "Huh?!" She practically fell over in her seat. Emily grabbed her hand to stop her from falling off her seat.

"Careful." Emily said like some sort of fantasy prince.

The teacher chuckled, "Good to see everyone's getting along now. Kinda." He glanced over to Josse who was now resting her legs on top of Kimmy's back. How did that happen?

"Ugh, get off me you jerk!" Kimmy squirmed free.

The teacher stopped and stared at the two of them, "Kimmy Ko. Josse Cinna. Stop that now." His dark eyes were full of anger but his voice was calm.

The entire class grew silent. The teacher cleared his throat.

"Ahem, I am Professor A. Tross. I'll be your teacher while you are here at the academy. I know all of your names and I WILL contact the head office if you misbehave. Right, Kimmy? Josse?"

Kimmy was pinching Josse's face angrily, "As long as this dork will leave me alone."

Josse pinched Kimmy's cheek in retaliation, "Same here!"

"Grr!" Kimmy grunted.

Sam threw her eraser at Kimmy, "No fighting! We've got to learn stuff."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Kimmy said as she threw the eraser back at her and almost hit Emily in the process.

"Eep!" Emily exclaimed as she ducked.

The whole room was becoming a disorderly mess. The teacher facepalmed for a few minutes in defeat. This whole scene went on for a few minutes before the teacher completely lost his patience.

"ENOUGH!" He shouted.

The whole class stopped and pretended to behave. The teacher groaned for a bit and shook his head as he paced back and forth. He was very angry.

"All of you are terrible. BUT the ones who are the most terrible are you four! Office. NOW!" He yelled as he pointed at the door.

Sam slowly raised her hand, "But... Emily didn't do anything-"

The teacher gave her a stern look but said not a word. The group left the room in embarrassment and headed down the hallway towards the office. 

Kimmy angrily ripped a poster of their teacher from the wall, "That dumb jerk!"

"You would know." Josse replied.

Kimmy just stared angrily at her. Emily stepped in-between them before they could begin fighting again.

"Now, now." Emily said calmly, "We don't want to be kicked out of the academy, right? At least pretend to like each other."

Kimmy shoved her and Sam unconsciously stepped in to catch her before she hit the ground. Sam blushed at the awkward moment that just happened. Sam and Emily got back up and dusted themselves off.

"T-thanks for that." Emily said as she hugged Sam.

Sam felt like she would explode, "Uh, really? It was no problem, I just-"

"Ah, you four." A strangely calm voice spoke.

The group turned to face the new girl. This girl had a green bowl-cut hairdo and she wore sunglasses like some kind of secret agent. Her suit was a standard black tuxedo. If she hadn't spoken up, they probably would've mistaken her for a boy.

"Come with me." She spoke as she walked towards the office with arms behind her back.

The group shrugged in unison and followed her into the office. The girl sat behind the rounded grey desk in the drab office room and started typing on the computer nearby.

"Let's see... Ah!" She spoke in a monotone voice, "You four are Samantha Hart, Emily Burnette, Kimmy Komicha, and Josse Cinnaro."

The four of them nodded in silence.

"Well, this is a first for most of you but you've gotten a red mark on your record for this trouble you've caused." She explained.

"That's because of this jerk." Kimmy pointed at Josse, "If it wasn't for her then-"

The strange girl interrupted her, "You can call me Gal. Kimmy? You better behave from now on or you'll never be given a mission into space."

"Don't tell me what to do! Who do you even think you are?"

Gal sighed, "I'm Gal the secretary. I can easily change your record or even kick you out of the space academy. Now, would your family want their only child to set a bad example for the Komicha name?"

Kimmy sighed in defeat and hung her head down low, "No."

Josse tapped Kimmy gently on the back, "There, there. I'll keep an eye on this trouble maker."

Gal checked the monitor and turned back to her, "You've got to behave too, Josse. Stop acting like some sort of biker girl."

Kimmy sat upright and shouted, "Don't tell her what to do!"

Gal was caught off guard, "Ah, I guess you two don't hate eachother that much after all..."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Kimmy protested.

Gal ignored her, "Well, I suppose that's all I have to say about the subject. Go back to class now."

The grouped headed back into the class and took their seats.

"Now, let's all begin." The teacher announced.

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