Chapter 5: Expelled

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"What!? You can't be serious!" Kimmy exclaimed with tears in her shiny blue eyes.

Alba sighed, "Please don't fight me on this. Your family will be here later to pick you up. They are very very disappointed in you."

Suddenly, Josse stood up from her seat and slammed her fists hard onto the metallic desk.

"That's no fair! Ya can't!" Josse made a pouting face.

Alba shook his head, "I'd expected this from Kimmy but from you, Josse?"

Josse slapped the desk aggressively, "Kimmy may be a pain in mah rear but she's mah friend!"

Kimmy was surprised and her face was red with embarrassment, "You... you think I'm your friend? But we are always fighting."

Josse turned to face her with a grin, "Hey, doncha cry anymore. 'kay? I hate seein' your sad mug."

Sam stood up from her desk too, "Yeah! We are her friends! Right, Emily?"

Emily also rose to her feet, "Yeah."

Kyle and Conner also got up from their chairs in the back, "That goes double from us, right Kyle?" Kyle nodded; he was still nose-deep in his novel.

Alba sighed longingly, "Fine. The six of you are all... EXPELLED."

The whole classroom gasped and went silent. Alba folded a few papers up on his desk and started writing down something. Kimmy walked up to Alba's desk and slammed her hand down in front of Alba's tired pale face.

"How dare you!? My friends stood up for me and you decide to expel them as well? How dare you!? I'll get you fired for this! The Komicha clan will not stand for this!" Kimmy exclaimed loudly.

Suddenly, Gal entered to room. Gal was wearing her dark tech sunglasses indoors and her hair was the usual shiny emerald hue. Gal's clothing was a sleek black tuxedo with a few lights that blinked in random sequences.

"Gal? Why are you here?" Alba asked the android.

Gal tweaked her glasses, "Alba C. Tross. You are under arrest for the assumed murder of Mrs. Oleana Hart."

Alba seemed shocked by the sudden accusation, "WHAT!? How did you- there's no proof of that!"

Gal turned to face Sam, "Your mother went missing for so long and we have found her ship destroyed beyond repair. She may still be out there but at this point, it's a retrieval and not a rescue."

Sam started to cry, "I can't believe it..." She fell to her knees. Sam had feelings of both the sadness for the loss of her mother and the joy that they had finally found where her ship crashed landed. The sad story of her missing mother was nearing its conclusion.

Emily hugged Sam tightly, "It's okay, Sam."

Sam smiled brightly and suddenly gave Emily a kiss on the cheek. Emily blushed in surprise.

Gal turned back to face Alba, "Do not try to run off. We know you had something to do with it. You were always jealous of her. She was superior in every way. You stole her eyebat project for your own personal gain."

Alba stood upright out of his chair and glared at Gal, "I had NOTHING to do with this. Absolutely NOTHING!"

Gal tilted her head curiously, "I may not be a human but I know panic when I see it. You are under arrest, Alba."

Gal held up her arms in front of her. Gal's arms became net launchers and the nets collapsed onto Alba. Alba tried to escape but the nets were far too strong.

"Gah! How dare you?! I'll get out! I'll get my revenge on all of you! Starting with you, Samantha Hart!" Alba shouted angrily before being stunned by the sturdy metal netting.

Gal turned to face Sam, "Don't worry. Alba will be put into a high security prison. Harming a high-ranking member of this academy is a serious offense. He will be unlikely to ever escape."

Sam smiled as Emily clung to her tightly, "Thanks, Gal! Oh, but what about our expulsion?"

Gal seemed to smile back, "No need to worry. You will not be expelled. Alba will."

Emily and Sam got back up to their feet. Kimmy gave a hearty laugh.

"Ha! Shows this fool! You cannot expel a member of the Komicha clan or her friends!" Kimmy exclaimed.

Gal left the room with Alba in tow. Josse sat in Alba's chair and started looking through the papers that he had been reading before.

"Sam? This is evidence." Josse said as she handed the stack to Sam.

Sam looked over the documents carefully and frowned, "Gal is in trouble. We ALL are in big trouble."

Josse nodded, "Yeah, this stuff shure is somethin'."

Kimmy snatched the papers from Sam's hand and started reading aloud, "Oleana Hart. Age 36. Status: MIA. Cause of disappearance: Unknown. Presumed dead. Alba C. Tross may be to blame for the incident... There's some blueprints here too, huh? Self destruct?!"

Emily grabbed Sam's hand, "We've got to head to the core of the station!"

Josse grabbed the back of their spacesuits, "Whoa there, doggies! Ya'll know nothin' 'bout the core. It'll blow up wit' ya in it!"

Sam turned to face Josse angrily, "We have to do something!"

Josse nodded, "Exactly! I'll make shure it ain't 'splodin'. Ya'll can make shure dat Alba don't wake up to escape."

Conner and Kyle rushed towards the group, "Count us in, babe!"

Josse stared angrily at Conner and then sighed, "Fine, but don' call me babe."

"There are only 5 exits to the space academy. 3 of which are currently under maintenance." Kyle explained in a monotone voice as he pointed at the blue prints he laid out on the desk nearby, "Chances are that Alba will be headed here but will want to exit here. This is the area that is the safest place from the potential explosion, right?"

Josse nodded, "All that sounds great but we MUST go now!"

They whole group nodded in agreement and they headed out into the hallway.

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