Chapter 4: The first Date

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Sam and Emily were seated across from each other at the silver cafeteria table. Sam was uncontrollably shaking while Emily was calmly sipping some chocolate milk from a carton. Sam had never been on a date before; her mind was racing, her heart was beating faster than normal, and her palms were sweaty.

Emily noticed this, "Sam?"

Sam tried to remain calm, "I'm sorry. I'm just a bit nervous."

"There's no need to be nervous, Sam." Emily said as she grasped Sam's sweaty hand softly.

Sam blushed, "But... this is a d-d-date. Right?"

Emily used her fork to pick up some carrots off of her plate and moved the fork towards Sam's red face, "Open wide!"

Sam closed her eyes and opened her mouth. Emily fed the carrots to Sam.

Sam opened her eyes, "Can... can I feed you next?"

Emily giggled, "Go ahead!"

She gave Sam the spoon and Sam nervously used it to pick up some fried potatoes. "Isn't this technically an indirect... kiss!?" Sam panicked inside her head.

Emily chomped onto the potatoes cheerfully, "Yum!"

Sam dropped the fork and fainted in her seat. Emily contacted the nurse and they brought Sam to the nurse's office.

Sam woke up in a clean bed, "Huh? Where am I?"

Emily had been sitting on a stool nearby, "I'm glad you are okay."

Sam suddenly remembered what happened, "I fainted, didn't I?"

Emily nodded, "Yeah, but I'm just happy you are okay. Sam, do you have a crush on me?"

Sam's face became a tomato again, "Um... I... Um..."

Suddenly, the nurse entered the room. She had long purple hair, silver glasses, and a cute white nurse outfit.

"Oh, it's seems you are up." The nurse spoke with a smile on her face. Her blue eyes reminded Sam of Emily's shimmering sapphire hair.

"Um... yeah." Sam said to the nurse, "I'm all better now, miss..."

The nurse smiled brightly once more, "Just call me Miss Kandie. You gave us both quite the scare, Miss Hart."

"Yeah, I was really worried about you." Emily replied.

Sam scratched her long brown hair and smiled, "Well, thanks."

"Now that you are awake, you can go back to class. I'm sure your friends and teacher are worried about you." Miss Kandie replied.

"Oh, no! Class already?" Sam exclaimed.

"It's okay, Sam!" Emily said with a smile, "I'll walk you back to class."

Suddenly, Emily moved in close and spoke into Sam's ear, "We can hold hands if you want."

Sam blushed and a nervous chill shivered down her spine. "Hold hands? HOLD HANDS!?" She exclaimed loudly in her head.

Sam cleared her throat, "Um... let's walk back to class."

Miss Kandie smiled, "You two take care now!"


When Sam and Emily made it a bit down the yellow hallway, Emily stopped walking. Sam turned to look back at her and Emily just smiled. Sam slowly walked back up beside Emily.

Emily whispered into Sam's ear once more, "We can hold hands now."

Sam was panicking inside her head but she held Emily's hand. Emily's hand was soft and smooth to the touch as well as being faintly warm. Sam got another chill down her spine and she became short of breath.

"Sam?" Emily asked with a calm and soothing voice that was music to sam's ears.

"Uh... I'm fine. Fine! Completely um..." Sam sputtered nervously.

Emily giggled, "Well, class is waiting for us!"

The two of them said nothing as they both practically skipped across the blue and white tiled floor of the hallway. Nobody seemed to notice that the two of them were holding hands but it wouldn't matter if anyone did. The two of them got back to their classroom door and Sam sighed since they now had to stop holding hands. Emily opened the door and the two of them stepped inside.

Alba greeted them both with a smile, "Take a seat, you two. I'm glad that Sam is doing alright."

Emily bowed in respect, "Thank you for being concerned. All of you."

Suddenly, Kimmy threw a paper airplane towards Emily and Sam took the hit for her.

"Ouch!" Sam said as she fell to the floor.

Emily helped her back up, "Thanks for taking that paper airplane to the face for me."

Alba walked over angrily to Kimmy, "Miss Komicha! Don't you have something better to be doing than creating paper airplanes?"

Kimmy smirked, "Nope."

Alba angrily walked out of the classroom.

"Um..." Josse nervously spoke up, "Last time Alba left the room durin' class..."

Conner interrupted her, "It was real bad! Like, really bad!"

Josse nodded, "Ya might get 'spelled or... worse."

Kimmy's face grew pale, "Um... is it too late to apologize?"

Josse shook her head, "Yeah, ya'll probably gettin' 'spelled for dat."

Kimmy stood upright out of her chair, "A member of the Komicha family has NEVER been expelled from this academy! I will not stand for being the first!"

"Ya'll are standin' right now arn'cha?" Josse asked.

Kimmy sat down angrily, "Anyway, when are you going to learn proper English?"

Josse shrugged, "I've bin speakin' like this fer ages."

Kimmy frowned, "Your accent is just as bad as me potentially getting expelled."

"Get used ta it, hun." Josse replied.

Kimmy blushed, "Don't call me hun! I'm not your sweetheart!"

Josse smiled and stretched back a little in her seat, "Are ya sure 'bout dat?"

"What does that mean!?" Kimmy exclaimed.

"Ya always pickin' on me an' those two. I say it's 'cuz ya like us. Er somethin' like dat." Josse replied with a smirk.

Kimmy crossed her arms and her face was beet red, "I do NOT like you three. At all. I swear! I like Kyle."

"Kyle's taken, girl!" Conner shouted from the back.

"By who!?" Kimmy practically screamed.

Conner just pointed both thumbs at himself and smiled.

"There's no way. Kyle doesn't like anyone. What could he possibly see in you?!" Kimmy exclaimed in confusion.

Kyle put his book down and stared at Kimmy, "He cooks food for me. I like food." He said in a monotone voice.

Suddenly, Alba entered the room with a large stack of papers and a grim look on his face. He sat down at his desk - he normally would just stand up to address the class - and he buried his face in his hands.

"Kimmy Komicha." Alba said in a grave voice, "You will be removed from the academy. Effective immediately."

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