𝟎𝟐|| 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧

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Isn't it ironic how your life can change completely in a short time?

And you just sit on the sidelines and watch because there's nothing you can do.

It's my first day in Alexander's company tomorrow and I don't even know who this man is.

I guess he is a busy man, knowing how successful he is, but I hope I have the chance to meet the old men before my first day at work tomorrow.

Stephanie wasn't home, I heard she left an hour after I arrived.

I'm bored so I just decided to look around the mansion, find something to do.

Maybe I will eat, I always eat when I'm bored.

I successfully reached the huge kitchen where I saw Ava cleaning with a straight face, looking very concentrated in what she does.

"Hey, do you need help?" I asked as I approached her, and she quickly looked up and shook her head anxiously.

"No, miss, thank you" she replied timidly, and I frowned.

She is so shy and I can say she is scared by the way she looks around, afraid that someone may come and see me with her.

"Can you call me Amera?'' I smiled ''Miss makes me feel weird '' I said, sitting on the table as if It's my house.

Well, Stephanie did say it's my home for the next year so they have to get used to it.

"I'm not allowed, sorry miss" she said lightly, and I sighed, throwing my head back.

"I'm going to live here for the next year, which means you work for me too, and I'm telling you to call me Amera" I added seriously. "Please" I added quickly because I saw the concern on her face. She is so sweet.

She stayed silent for a few seconds as if thinking over what I told her, before sighting.


I smiled triumphantly. This girl is so innocent, kinda reminds me of me.

When I was young and stupid.

"How old are you, Ava?" I asked, taking a bite of one of the apples I took from the bowl next to me as I shook my legs in the air. Good thing I was in a loose white dress.


"Aren't you too young to work here?"

"Some people have no choice."

This made me shut my mouth. Yes, not everyone was lucky enough to have my life and it sucks that nice people like her have to go through this.

''I can tell you don't like to work here'' I tilted my head to the side, still keeping my eyes on her

She thought for a second and looked at me.

"I like their little daughter Emma, ​​which is enough for me to stay."

My mood suddenly dropped dramatically. I hate kids and I forgot in this house have one.

It's not like Stephanie mentioned this to me. If it wasn't for my father maybe I wouldn't even know they had a child.

"Ava, I need you to watch Emma for a few hours."

A man's deep voice interrupted the sentence I was about to say, and I glared at the door where the person who had interrupted me was.

And suddenly I forgot how to breathe.

A man was standing in front of me. Incredibly attractive good-looking man.

He is a work of art.

Dark hair, which was thick and lustrous pulled back with gel, making him look even more attractive if that's possible. Deep brown mesmerizing eyes, who look straight into your soul. His face strong and defined, looking hot with his jaw clenched. Dark eyebrows, which sloped downwards in a serious expression. There wasn't a sign of a smile on his hard-line face. My eyes traveled down to his lips.

Fuck, these lips.

Plump and pink, just begging you to kiss them.

His tall body was hidden behind a black expensive suit, but the outlines of his muscles were clearly visible.

He is working out a lot.

And why the hell did I want to know what he looked like naked?

I clenched my legs at the thought.

Then his eyes meet mine.

My whole body shivered, when he looked down at my body, sitting on the kitchen table, swallowed hard, and quickly returned his gaze to my face, holding it there.

I won't lie. His eyes on my body did something to me. I want him to look at me for longer than just a few seconds, under his gaze I feel like a woman.

"And you are?" he said sharply.

Damn, his voice was the sexiest sound I've ever heard. I bit my lip, stopping all the dirty thoughts running through my head with this very man in front of me.

"Amera" I said, looking him straight in the eyes "Amera Carson."

He parted his lips slightly as if he didn't know what to say, coughed slightly, and straightened his tie, causing his biceps to tighten.


"William's daughter?" He asked in disbelief, and I nodded confidently

The whole situation was so awkward and tense at the same time.

His eyes were still studying my face. I saw a twinkle in his eye, but nothing more. I felt my cheeks turn red.

I fucking blushed and I don't do that shit, not for some boy.

But in front of me is standing a man, not a boy. A man who has a look that could make any girl open her legs for him without thinking twice.

I'm one of them.

"Then excuse me for my behavior" he said politely with a deep low voice

I jumped off the table, making my dress lift slightly, and of course, the man in front of me didn't miss the opportunity to look, making me smile devilishly. His eyes are burning my skin and fuck, I love it.

I stayed in one place, just giving him the time to enjoy the view.

"You're excused sir" I smiled innocently, and he raised an eyebrow in surprise as if he didn't expect that answer. ''Can I have your name now, since you already know mine?''

His eyes still looking deeply into mine. It's distracting when a handsome man like him is starring at me. I mean, I feel ugly when someone keeps their eyes on me for more than a few seconds.

"Alexander Anderson, your father's partner" he replied casually with a confident smile on his beautiful face.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I'm out of words.

I can now officially say I'm fucked.

The man I thought it's some old grumpy man is a handsome one.And definitely not old.

The universe hates me.

I put on my fake smile, still clenching my legs.

''It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Anderson."

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