15 | Jealous, Malfoy?

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"FOR MERLIN'S SAKE," Ron said, his robes brushing against my arm as we walked, "Harry has got to stop rubbing his cologne all over you."

We were making our way to the courtyard, our previous DADA lesson still lingering fresh on our minds. I tilted my head at the boy in confusion, taking the hem of my uniform shirt and bringing it up to my nose for a whiff of what was supposed to be 'Harry's cologne'.

Surprise! It wasn't.

I quickly shoved it away once I smelled the familiar scent of lemon-vanilla. Draco's cologne must have gotten stuck on me in the library when he...


When he....

Oh, you know what happened, don't make me explain, because I can't think straight when I think about it.

"Right," I said, changing the subject, "do you think Hermione will mind if we ask her to write up the answers for the Charms quiz?"

Ron scrunched his nose, "oh, yeah, she'll mind."

"Even if we bribe her with parchment paper?"

"You've got to be joking if you think Hermione is going to fall for that," he said sheepishly, "I tried it once, and I ended up getting shoved down the stairs."

Before I could throw in a laugh, I heard my name shoot across the courtyard like an arrow. I didn't recognize the burly voice or the accent. Turning my head, I noticed a Durmstrang boy beginning to approach me, his group of friends striding up behind him.

"Do you know these guys?" Ron said, whispering nervously through his teeth, "because I don't know them, and I know everyone you know."

I blinked, confused, "never met them."

It was true. I had never seen these men in my life (I would have liked to call them boys, but they looked like they had outgrown the label), and they were so intimidating I almost wanted to sink into the ground.

No, wait, not almost. I did.

The one who called my name came to a stop in front of me, a smirk on his already bearded face. He had a maroon coat on, the Durmstrang logo embossed on the right sleeve, and his brown hair was slicked back with some shiny sort of gel.

He glanced at Ron, cocking his chin out as if to say 'scram'.

"Right, then," my friend gulped, nodding his head quickly, "I'll see you later, [y/n]."


This wasn't terrifying at all.

"Um..." I said nervously, clinging to the strap of my satchel, "do I know you guys?"

The ringleader of the group shook his head, nudging his friends in blatant amusement. I felt very unsafe. Why did Ron leave me? Why? I mean, I know he was basically threatened, but still!

"Sergey Hritso," the man said, holding out his hand, "I've heard a lot about you, [y/n]."

I widened my eyes, slightly panicked and slightly confused. What the hell was he talking about?

"I'm sorry," I stammered, "from who?"

Sergey glanced at his friends, "your school likes to gossip, so we pick things up."

Yeah, of course I knew Hogwarts liked to gossip, but that wasn't the point. What inclined him to talk to me? And what rumors was he hearing? I could take a mean word every now and then, but the smirks on the boy's faces were giving me a kind of anxiety I couldn't describe.

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