40 | Let Me Go...

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Okay, this is a lot to unpack, BUT this is the last chapter that will need a trigger warning. Minor mentions of death, suicide, and fighting. Please do not feel you have to read this if you don't feel comfortable, if you prefer to skip to the next chapter, I wrote it so you won't be lost. 

take care.

∞ ϟ 





I remember nothing after that moment, just the bits and pieces of shattered memories and broken spirits. I could barely feel the cup in my hands, the boy in my arms, and the tears streaming down my face so hard, and so much, that I thought I'd drown in them.

We were spinning.

Turning in a seemingly endless spiral, atoms crossing together as our bodies were moved away from the graveyard and back home to a place my mind couldn't even remember at the moment.


Home was where we were supposed to feel safe, feel warm and welcome, and know it was the one place you could always return to no matter the day. I wanted to go home.

But Cedric...Cedric please stay with me.

I saw your ghost for a fleeting moment, your request still ringing in my ears like a church bell—although I know a miracle is far from appearing, and my prayers will still remain unanswered. Just stay a little longer, alright?

I'll bring you home.

If it's the last thing I do.

But Cedric, why aren't you scared? Why won't you talk to me? Why are you lying so cold in my arms, so silent, so empty, that it feels your skin is more fragile than glass?


No....no, no, no, Cedric.

I thought maybe it was all a dream! A nightmare that would leave me waking to sweat-stained sheets and a beating heart, and the reassurance you were somewhere out there breathing! But no, Cedric, this is all real, and you're gone, and I'm in pain, and the world is at stake because I was...

A second too late.

This is all my fault, isn't it?

I'm sorry, Cedric. It's because of me you never had a chance to say goodbye. Please wake up. I'll be your last goodbye if you won't, and I know you don't deserve that.

Cedric please.


Wake up.

➵ ♆

It's cold where I am.

Wherever I am, that is. I don't remember waking up, but the view of a stone ceiling is enough to remind me I've somehow made it out alive. Somehow.

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