26 | Mirror, Mirror...

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okay this may be my favorite chapter I've ever written
I just think it's the CUTEST

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"BLOODY HELL, [Y/N]," Ron gasped, stunned, "what are you wearing?"

Hermione and I had kept our Yule Ball date a secret, and now that the day had arrived, I was waiting for the girl at the bottom of the stairs. I remember the look on Draco's face when I told him; a proud, yet 'jealous-of-Granger' grin, and I took that with complete confidence.

But now I was standing in front of Harry and Ron, watching as they stared at me in complete shock. They didn't know I was going with Hermione, not yet at least, but they seemed more in disbelief at the present moment. Why? Because I was wearing...

A suit.

"How do I look?" I grinned, taking a step back to strike a pose, "Neville lent me his spare, and Luna tailored it to fit better."

Harry's eyes were widened behind his glasses, and I saw the blood rush to his cheeks quickly, "wow...you look great, [y/n]."

"Thank you, Mr. Potter."

"You're wearing that better than half of the guys here," he laughed, tilting his head towards Ron's (incredibly ugly) dress robes, "especially Ron."

Ron, who wasn't in a good mood from his clothes, narrowed his eyes. He took that remark with as much offense as possible.

"Shut up, Harry," he scoffed, "you don't have to pity-compliment her, she's already rejected you."

Oh, so Ron was in the worst mood. He was like this when he found out Harry's name was in the Goblet of Fire, and now he was just mad that I turned Potter's offer down. At least that's what I think it was. Ugh, men.

Harry blinked, scratching the back of his head, "I wasn't pity-complimenting her."

"Yes, you were," Ron frowned.

"No, I wasn't."

"Yes, you were."

"That's not even a real word!"

I just stood there awkwardly, glancing at the stairs to see when my date would arrive. Hermione wouldn't tell me what her dress looked like, so I found myself waiting to see it in anticipation—while also looking for an escape from Ron's horrible mood.

Speaking of Ron, he wasn't done yet.

"Good thing you're going alone," he remarked, turning back towards me, "I'd pity the bloke who'd show up expecting a ballgown, and see you dressed just like him."

Harry narrowed his eyes, whacking the redhead in the shoulder, "I think she looks great, Ron, give it a rest."

"Thanks Harry," I smiled, cocking a brow at the boy next to him, "and I actually do have a date."

Ron frowned, "yeah, right."

"I do!"

"Who is it? Snape? At least he has a dress to go with your suit."

What was making his mood so foul? I knew he and Harry had to ask the Patil sisters at the last second, but they were perfectly nice girls, and he shouldn't be so mad about it!

"No, it's not Snape, you idiot," I frowned, "it's—"


A familiar voice rang out into the hall, their figure standing at the top of the stairs.

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