37 | The Maze

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"WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING HERE?" Theo frowned, "she doesn't belong at this table."

After the Astronomy Tower incident, the first thing I did was tell Draco. He needed to know. Not just because I felt like half of my heart was being split to pieces, but because he needed to know the truth before anyone else found out. It was supposed to be a good thing, right? Now that Harry knew, we could stop hiding and live our lives.

But I hated that by choosing Draco, I lost my best friend.

And...I don't know if I was entirely the good person in the fight. Harry had his reasons, but I had mine too.

"No one asked for your opinion, Nott," Draco hissed, sliding into his spot at the Slytherin table, "and besides, I invited her here."

So yeah...I was avoiding my friends (plus ex-friend Harry) to alleviate the tension. I knew Ron would side with him anyways, and Hermione would try to stay out of the situation as best she could. That's why I was invited to sit with my—now public, yet still unaccepted—boyfriend.

Theodore Nott, who was glaring daggers at me, frowned, "she's a Gryffindor."

Blaise interrupted, "she's his girlfriend."

"Since when?!"

As the two Slytherin boys got into a heated debate, I felt Draco turn his head towards me, handing me a bread roll from the basket in front of him. He was keeping himself busy by picking out my breakfast.

"This is really good," he whispered, placing a tart onto my plate, "I used to eat these every day in second year."

I smiled weakly, "really?"

"Come on, take a bite."

I nodded, ignoring the bewildered looks thrown my way by people of all Houses. Some Ravenclaws were trying to analyze the situation from the table behind us, some Hufflepuffs were gossiping giddily, and the Gryffindor table....well, they just looked betrayed.


Nott's voice rang clear again, almost making me spit out my tart, which in turn, made Draco instinctively place his hand on my back to stop me from choking.

"I thought she was with Potter!" Theo exclaimed, "when did this happen?"

Blaise rolled his eyes, "I found out this morning."

"Well, his father certainly isn't going to hear about this."

"And why not?"

"She's a muggle-born! And a Gryffindor! How did we just find this out?"

"Speak for yourself, I've known since we came back from break," Pansy yawned, pitching into the conversation for the first time, "Draco kept doodling hearts around her name in Transfigurations like some sort of lovesick puppy."

Now it was Draco's turn to choke, "I did not."

"Show us your textbook then, hm?" Pansy crooned.


"Why not?"

"I burned it."

"Sure, Dray," the girl giggled, before stopping herself. She turned towards me, her short black hair bobbing at her shoulders, and leaned over the table with a smile. She winked, "anyways, tell us why you're here."

I blinked nervously, "what do you mean?"

"Are you mad at lil' ol' Potter?"

I glanced at my boyfriend, and he gave me an understanding look. He already knew, and now that the truth was out, I suppose I could talk about it.

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