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Tom shifted his focus to the doorway where Celeste stood. He smiled as soon as he saw her. "Hey."

"Here's your dinner" She handed Tom the tray.

"Just put it on the table. I'll eat that later."

Celeste sighed. "No. You have to eat now. At least a little bit."

Tom knew. No matter how hard he said no, he would lose in the end. He would never win with Celeste. He rolled his eyes. Celeste smiled when she realized she won.

Celeste sat on the other bed. She wait for Tom to finish his dinner. The silence was loud between them. But the weird thing was that it made her feel comfortable. She didn't feel awkward, or wanting to leave. She could stay like this for hours.

"It's silly. I don't wanna be here." Tom finally said, breaking the silence.

"Well, you need to be seperated from Blaise for a while."

"Can i sleep in your room? I hate it here, in this dark and empty place."

Celeste laughed. She never thought that there would be a day that she witnessed this side of Tom.

"Are you scared, Tom?" Celeste teased him.

Tom scoffed. "I'm not scared. Why would i be scared?"

But he was right though. It was really dark, empty, and silent in the hospital wing. If Celeste was the one to be here all alone by herself, she would probably scared to death.

"Be careful, i heard the ghosts will scared you." Celeste laughed.

Tom tried so hard no to laugh. Then it just slipped. They both laughed. He got up from the bed. Celeste ran away from him. They were both like kids playing tag. Tom had never thought that he would be this childish with a girl, let alone with anyone. He was supposed to be the cold, rude, heartless boy. Yet, in that moment, he didn't care if anyone saw him like this. He was happy with her.

Finally, Tom got her. He grabbed her arms but she lost control. She fell to the floor with Tom also fell right at the top of her. His eyes met Celeste's beautiful eyes. They stared at each other. Tom leaned closer and closer, as his lips pressed against her. He kissed her softly. It made Celeste's heart fluttered. It also terrified her for no reason at all. Yet, she kissed him back.

Tom broke the kiss. He stared at her deeply. He saw the uncertainty in her eyes. He knew she was scared. Scared that he would make another mistake. He wanted to make sure that everything would be okay. He touched her cheek gently. His touch made Celeste closed her eyes. Then he kissed her neck, as she moaned softly. He started undressing her. Tom was being very careful. He didn't want to hurt her again. He lifted her body and carried her.

She took off his clothes. Celeste was amazed at how beautiful his body was. She could feel his abs pressed against her stomach, as Tom lie her down in the bed.

Tom slipped her hair. "Are you sure?"

She nodded. "Yes."

She was really afraid. It was her first time. She didn't know what to expect. She heard about it. How good it was. How painful it was. But she had never feel it for herself. And tonight, was her moment of truth.

She [Tom Riddle] Where stories live. Discover now