twenty nine

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The year went by as usual, pranks, studying, tutoring, scolding, eating, sleeping, and annoying. It was sometime around the end of October, almost Halloween, that the group of marauders, along with their friends, were in Transfiguration.

And the topic they were starting was about animagus. It was certainly going to be an interesting class, with the smirks coming from the 3/4th of the marauders, and the Hyperion girl's constant eye rolls.

"Now class, what is the difference between an animagus and a werewolf?" McGonagall questioned,

Lyra turned around to observe the four boys, only to find them with a mischievous glint on their eyes.

"Oh Merlin, no." She mumbled, her head falling to the desk.

Sirius shot his hands up in the air, and McGonagall looked at him in surprise, but she knew something was off the second she saw the glint he had.

"Yes, Mr. Black?" She asked the boy warily.

"An animagus has better hair." He smirked, and Remus shot a look at the boy, before raising his hand.

"Mr. Lupin?"

"Well, werewolves are taller." He answered, "Generally speaking." He added.

"Well animagi has better bodies!" Sirius exclaimed, facing the boy.

"I second that statement, and I also second that animagi has better hair." James agreed after raising his hand, causing Remus' hand to shot up once more.

"Well werewolves don't have the time and energy to style their hair for twenty minutes, particularly around the full moon!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up.

Lyra sighed tiredly, those boys were really a pain in her arse. The whole class simply watched them shot back statements at each other in confusion and amusement, not understanding the situation, while Professor McGonagall rubbed her temples tiredly.

"Plus, werewolves don't sing obnoxiously in the shower." Peter added, surprising McGonagall, considering he was the well behaved one.

"...." The class went silent at the comment, causing the boy to shrug.

"Animagi are sexier." Sirius said, "Yeah!" Came James' response.

"They can never make it more obvious, can they." Lyra muttered herself, face palming herself.

"...While I appreciate the compliments, those were not the answers I was looking for." McGonagall said, completely done with the four boys.

And the boys only realized then that McGonagall was an animagi, a cat particularly, and the statements they shot out might as well be directed at her. The group simply shot her sheepish looks.

Lyra then answered the original question, distracting the obviously exhausted teacher.

"An animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice. With each full moon, when he transforms, he no longer remembers who he is. He would kill his best friend if he crossed his path. Furthermore, the werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind. But I have found a solution to that, called the Wolfsbane potion which keeps one's mind during the transformation. And werewolves are treated differently by the Ministry because they are classified as beasts, but really not all of them are. Some does not have a choice to be one, and some, like Fenrir Greyback, joined a cult which was made to infect as many people they can with lycanthropy. An animagus can shift to their form with their will, and an animagus form cannot change. And werewolves consider animals, or animagus as friends, and not preys." She finished,

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