Back to Hogwarts

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* Disclaimer: Of course, I don't own Harry Potter or invented any of these characters. All rights belong to 'that woman' and Warner. *


Harry thought that History of Magic couldn't become more boring throughout the years, but he was completely wrong.

While drawing around the small amount of notes he'd written he remembered how Hermione assured him that the eight year in Hogwarts would be a good thing, not only to complete their studies but as a way to move on after the war.

But eight year was proving to be very difficult indeed. Harry didn't know if coming back to the castle would help him or just salt his wounds.

And looking at the destruction of some parts of the castle brought him a pain in his heart. Yet, when he spotted Hogwarts through the mountains in the window of the train in the beginning of september he was sure that he was home once again.

However, in boring moments such as this one it was hard to not let his mind float to memories of the war. It was a struggle to go to Grimauld place without remembering his godfather. Lucky for him he had the Weasleys, who always were there for him.

Fred and George were constantly distracting him from his thoughts. Coming up with games, pranks, and testing products to their store. Sometimes leaving Harry with blue hair, sometimes purple; which reminded him of his stepson Teddy. He would come by every week to visit the baby who was growing to be a happy and smart child, always changing his hair to match the color of Harry's hair when he saw him.

Someday Harry went to Andy's house and saw Teddy with bright blond hair for the first time, hair that immediately reminded him of a certain slytherin.

"Harry!" Hermione whispered to catch his attention, taking him off his reverie and pointing to professor Binns. Honestly, Hermione was probably the only one who paid actually attention to that class.

When the class finally ended Harry called Ron who was sleeping profusely on his desk for them to get out of there.

"Next time you want to nap, you should bring a pillow, Ronald!" said their brown eyed friend passing quickly next to them to go to the hall.

"It's not a bad idea, actually." contemplated the ginger.

When they got to the hall closer to the dungeons, Harry caught a glance of a white blond head walking just ahead of them.


"Harry!" snapped Ron in front of Harry to catch his attention.

"What is it?" taking off his eyes from the end of the hall Harry focused on the ginger who was snapping his fingers in front of his face.

"I asked who will you go to the Yule ball with." answered Ron with a confused look on his face.

With the reminder of the Yule ball, Harry groaned mentally and a cold sweeped through his belly at the same time.

"I don't know, mate. It was already a nightmare last time."

The headmistress Mcgonagall had informed them in the beginning of the eight year about another Yule Ball. Which, in her words, was a way to promote house unity and celebrate the end of the war and also honor the people who were gone. Since Hogwarts was free from peril once again.

Although to Harry, the Yule Ball was proving to be a headache. His fourth year was already a nightmare, even if the ball was the least of his problems at the time, but he didn't forget the uncomfortable memories of that night.

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