Between Shelves and Owls

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Even on the short break from classes for the festivities Hermione did not fail to drag Harry into the library.

Having only one day for the ball, many students ended up staying at Hogwarts. Yet, the library was empty beyond the two, or so Harry thought. Ronny was left behind, still sleeping after Blaise had made him dance all night. Harry and Hermione suspected that their friend had enjoyed the night more than he would ever admit.

"I should have stayed in bed." said Harry imagining he could spend a little more daydreaming about last night.

"Harry, this is our last year. I am not going to let us fail in the N.I.E.M.s. If Ronald wants to stay asleep, then its his choice." she said looking around the library.

"By the way, what about Pansy, Hermione? I didn't know you two were that close." Harry gave a smile to his friend who turned red very quickly and looked away.

"We have a lot to read." she kept looking at the books and ignoring Harry.

"But why is it that when it's with me everyone wants to meddle, but you lot don't tell me anything!" Hermione gave him an impatient look in response.

"So did you notice the looks that Ronny was giving Blaise?" she mentioned thoughtfully.

"I noticed it some time ago, I thought it was desperation at first—" he laughed a little remembering the redhead's expressions "—But don't change the subject, Mione!" Harry was attacked with a book in his arm in response. Hermione wore an worried expression looking at the tome like she somehow had hurt the book when she realized what she had done. Taking the cue, the brunette began to read an advanced book on transfiguration.

A few minutes later, bored with reading, Harry heard a noise coming from the back of the library.

"I'll look for another edition of this one." he informed.

"Right." Hermione didn't even take her eyes off the book she was reading when she answered.

Harry went to look for the transfiguration session for the seventh years and between the shelves he spotted a piece of a blond head trough the books.

"Harry! That book doesn't go there!" Hermione whispered loudly, appearing beside him out of nowhere. Harry ended up following her back to the table, but not without checking between the shelves to check there again but he saw no one.

Walking back to their table he noticed Pansy there, which caused him to run into Hermione who had stopped on the way. Next to Pansy was the blond haired person he had seen earlier.


Now, saying that Harry had butterflies in his stomach was a statement, but seeing the blonde now was more like a cold punch to his belly.

Draco looked surprised to see him, but Pansy didn't look surprised at all to see the two gryffindors there.

"Hermione ..." started Harry. He was quite sure that her friend didn't know about the mistletoe incident the night before, and he would tell her eventually, but since she was plotting with Parkinson he thought it was better not to.

"Hermione!" Pansy also exclaimed, with a forced surprise beckoning the other girl aside.

Harry didn't know what to do, didn't know where to look and what to do with his hands. Draco ended up breaking the silence.

"Did you ... said something to Granger?" He asked.

"No!" the brunette shook his head a few times. Harry didn't know if it was good think to keep what happened between them or bad because perhaps Malfoy didn't want anyone to know.

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