The Yule Ball

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* the illustration above is from convallarias_art


Christmas Eve had arrived and Harry came down the stairs to the common room with his heart in is throat.

He had arranged trough owls with Malfoy to meet at the party and was busting with anxiety all day.

At the Winter Ball in his fourth year he was frightened and anxious for the Triwizard tournament, tense beyond belief for the clear chance of death, but even today his heart seemed to beat even more frantically as he looked around for his match.

"Do you think that these dress robes are better after Hermione transfigured them?" asked Ron. His friend was visibly nervous and pulling the collar of his shirt off his neck every five seconds.

"It looks great, Ron. A big breakthrough since your last one."

"Ha-ha" Ron feigned a laugh.

Ron saw Blaise not far away from him. The Slytherin was looked around, clearly looking for the ginger. The ginger in question quickly blushed when he saw his date and threw a panicked expression at his best friend. With encouragement —and also with the help of a push from Harry— he finally walked after the Slytherin. Harry followed a little behind to wait by the doors.

Arriving in the hallway in front of the Great Hall he watched Ron go timidly to Blaise, who was with his back turned talking to someone. When Zabini turned to Ron and smiled broadly behind him Harry could see the familiar platinum hair that belonged to Draco.

Standing there in the hall was Malfoy, in light blue robes, giving Harry a shy smile. His gray tie seemed to sparkle when he moved. If the boy who survived had not let himself dream of princes, he did now, for Malfoy was entitled to so much beauty.

Harry in his same fourth year robes that he adjusted with the help of Hermione and Ginny, was also not bad. Even with the help of her friends, his hair was still a mess, but a more organized mess now.

They looked at each other for a while as they approached. Harry smiled at him openly, not being able to hide his glee.

"Let's go?" he asked extending his hand to Malfoy who observed it, looking back at Harry and around the room.

"Maybe my dad shouldn't know about this." Draco said, taking Harry's hand and leaving sparkles in the brunette's skin with his touch.

"Too late." sighed Harry.

The brunette had doubted that he would be able to take his eyes off the blonde slytherin all night.

Before entering the room he saw Hermione and Pansy behind them, both with big smiles on their faces and hands linked. Hermione was wearing a red dress, shorter in the front and long at the back, with laced sleeves and ruffles on the skirt, while Pansy was wearing a shiny black dress that exposed a little of her torso and adorned her body. They were beautiful and shining.

When they spotted the two of them, Harry and Draco walked faster to avoid the questions, finally having the push to get into the room. However the two girls just laughed.

"You can't come to the dance together and still want to fool us, Drarry!" shouted Pansy, laughing some more.

Looking at the girls smiles and back at Draco, Harry was sure that this dance would be better not only for him but for all of his friends as well.

Without the pressure of a tournament there was no need for formal dances, but even when Harry protested and admitted his poor dancing skills, Draco was not ashamed and dragged the embarrassed gryffindor to dance. They didn't care if they were being watched by everyone. There, at that moment he saw that if everyone went through all that, they had the right to live, the right to want and love whoever they want.

Change is not always something that will be for the better at first or something that will make a difference, but simply by changing, by continuing and moving on, they where living. And that was what everyone wanted to do.

"I thought I would never have this moment with you." said Draco. Harry himself said almost nothing at first, he was totally distracted by Draco's hand on his back as they danced across the room.

"Me too. I doubt you'll be able to get rid of me now." joked Harry.

So while he laughed in the blonde's arms for fear of stepping on his feet and insisting that he didn't know how to dance, although still enjoying that moment, Harry knew it would be okay.

Ginny was walking past them, spinning Luna around the room. And Harry wasn't sure why but they always burst out laughing and made little hearts with their hands whenever they saw Draco and him.

When the clock struck midnight the pair left the party, sitting on a bench in the gardens and looking at stars. Harry didn't care who saw them or what they would say, because in the end they had each other and also their friends. And even though they were different from each other, their hearts were loyal to those they loved.

"Happy Christmas, Draco." said Harry

"Happy Christmas, Harry." Draco replied bringing their lips together and snuggling closer to the gryffindor.

They watched the stars for a while, enjoying being close to each other. And when Jingle Bell Rock started playing inside the castle Draco insisted that Harry had to repeat his performance at the party with his dance moves again, and so they went back to party with their friends.

If Harry had dreaded the ball the last time, that night had proved that things could be quite different. He wished he could have had Draco with him since that time but none of them were ready.

He danced around, seeing his friends smiles and holding Draco's hand in his.

Harry had never been so excited for the future.

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