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Harry's whole body seemed to fill with heat, both from the closeness of the two of them, but mostly from not believing that after managing to avoid any mistletoe for so long he had been the victim of one right now. And with Malfoy on top of that.

Looking back at the blonde, Harry caught him with an expression he couldn't quite read.

With the unscrupulous situation and Malfoy so close, Harry couldn't help but watch him. His gray eyes gleamed in the dim light from the hall and his cologne assaulted Harry's nostrils. He wished he could immediately put his face on the boy's neck in front of him and inhale that smell.

Malfoy glanced up quickly, his neck stretched as he stared at the mistletoe as if contemplating his fate or the best way to destroy the bewitched branch. Harry stared at the shape of his jaw and the way his perfect lips parted. Malfoy seemed to ponder for a long time what to do and then looked at Harry who felt his cheeks flare.

"Hm ..." Harry tried, finding it better to also face the mistletoe than lookat the other while he wondered what to say, trying to find an answer to that surreal and embarrassing situation. The idea of ​​kissing Malfoy was nothing that was despicable to him, quite the contrary, but being stuck in that situation was not something he would choose.

And apparently that wasn't just any innocent mistletoe, since even Harry hadn't managed to get out of there when he tried to walk away. They were stuck. Stuck until they kissed. And since they were in fact stuck there, the brunette decided to finish what he wanted to say.

"I didn't mean to offend you, I thought we were having a friendly conversation until you ran away."

The other gave him a bitter laugh.

"I don't think we can be friends. Not before, not now. And everything and everyone can see the cons with whatever—" Draco gestured between the two, "—whatever this is."

"Is this still about me not shaking your hand in first year? Malfoy I just didn't accept your friendship because until then you had offended one of the first people who were really nice to me. But I know you aren't that person anymore. But do you know that?" The blonde looked thoughtful.

"I think it's easier to hate you, Potter." If Harry had looked at the other then he would see sadness on his face, and the slytherin's  great struggle to keep anyone from seeing the depth of his feelings. "—But at the moment I want to know who was the miserable creature who put this here!—" roared the blonde, taking his wand and firing spell after a spell at the mistletoe. He had no success getting the thing out of there.

Determined to get out of there at once and hide in his bed forever, the Gryffindor realized that maybe that was the only way Malfoy would even want to kiss him, even if it was as a way to get away from him, and Harry didn't want to waste the chance. He would at least have that to remember.

"I know you want to hit me and get away from me now, but you and I both know there is only one way to get out of here." Draco was quiet, choosing to stare at the wall beside Harry's head.

"Scared, Malfoy?" Harry tried, recalling the duel of the two in the second year, and almost laughed at the difference between the two occasions.

"You wish." Gray eyes focused on green for a long time with a defiant look, then lingered on his lips.

The two were already very close so Harry took a small step forward with his eyes glued to grey ones. His hands were sweating and his lips parted as he thought of abut what would happen next, and if the blonde could hear how fast his heart was beating.

With the Slytherin being taller he waited with an expression of determination in his eyes. Draco with his eyes flickering between Harry's lips and eyes finally lowered his head and their lips met.

Harry's mind went blank, but his body was ecstatic with new sensations and the butterflies flew around more vigorously. Malfoy's lips were softer than he imagined and Harry couldn't stop wanting them even more.

Malfoy was not far behind in enthusiasm and after a little hesitation he relaxed, sighing in the kiss and pulling Harry closer. He leaned him harder against the wall and crashed their bodies together —not that Harry cared— he was to lost in the felling of Draco. All of him.

With renewed excitement the two continued to kiss for a while. All doubts and worries of being caught in the heat of that moment were forgotten. Those kisses had the longing of want that was denied for so long, and hope too. Harry absolutely didn't want it to end.

Still panting to regain his normal breath, Harry couldn't stop smiling, he suspected that his red cheeks were going to end up sore.

"How about that dance now?" said Harry, smiling at the Slytherin. After focusing his eyes back at him Harry decided that he never saw anything as cute as a rosy-cheeked Malfoy.

"You are dreaming, Pot- Harry."

"Ah! at least now I'm Harry." The gryffindor's smile doubled in size and he stretched his arms out to the sides to see if the mistletoe barrier still existed.

"You can get away from me now, but please don't." asked the brunette.

"You know, it's really ironic ..." said Draco shaking his head, making some locks of hair fall into his eyes.

"What?" Harry was curious.

"I didn't want to be in that game because I knew Pansy was going to find a way to make something like this happen and then..." He gestured to the air.

"Pansy? But why would it be bad?"

"Because ... Because, Potter, I didn't want it to be like this." the blonde replied avoiding the gryffindor's gaze.

"What happened with Harry?"

"I don't know, maybe he was eaten by a dragon." joked Draco.

"You mean, you?"

"How do you know lat—Forget it" the blonde's blush reached the tips of his ears.

Harry laughed harder, gaining a light punch on his arm.

"Hey!" protested Draco.

Not that Harry or Draco would have noticed, but at the corner of the stairs, not so far away, were Luna covering Ginny's mouth with her hand so she wouldn't laugh out loud at the situation and get them caught.

"I can't belief it worked! I'm glad I rememberefh tha spell." said Ginny with her voice muffled by Luna's hand on her mouth.

"I knew it a long time ago." replied Luna dreamily.

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