Chapter 9 - The Plan

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Caspian's POV

After Althea told me about the Telmarines, I called a meeting to gather everyone at the stone table. She explained that she would catch up and disappeared back into the sleeping chambers. I head straight to the stone table room where the Kings and Queens are already waiting.

"It's only a matter of time. Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting his castle." I stare at him, already piecing together what his plan is.

"What do you propose we do your majesty?" Reep asks. Peter and I both go to speak at the same time. He glares knives at me and I shut my mouth, anger bubbling in my chest. I hear faint footsteps and look over to see Althea silently entering the room, one of her hands resting on her dagger.

"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us," Peter says.

"But that's crazy, no one has ever taken that castle." I feel Althea stand beside me as I speak.

"There's always a first time." Peter shrugs.

"We'll have the element of surprise." Trumpkin chimes in.

"But we have the advantage here."

"If we dig in, we could hold them off indefinitely," Althea says, the tension automatically doubling in the small room. Peter sends her a hard glare and she shifts uncomfortably. I instinctually step in front of her, forcing Peter's glare to shift to me instead.

"I for one feel safer underground," Trufflehunter says.

"Look, I appreciate what you've done here, but this isn't a fortress. It's a tomb." Peter moves closer to me.

"Yes, and if they're smart, the Telmarines will just wait and starve us out," Edmund says, taking his brother's side.

"I think you know where I stand sire," Reep says. Peter looks to Glenstorm next. I look back at Althea and she looks just as worried as I feel.

"If I get our troops in, can you handle the guards?" Peter asks. Glenstorm looks at me before answering.

"Or die trying my liege."

"That's what I'm worried about," Lucy speaks suddenly.

"Sorry?" Peter says, looking confused.

"Well, you're all acting like there are only two options. Dying here or dying there."

"I'm not sure you've really been listening Lu."

"No, you're not listening. Or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch Peter?" She asks. Peter only looks more angry.

"I think we've waited for Aslan long enough." He spats and storms out of the room. Althea stays behind with me while everyone starts to file out of the room.

"Thank you," I mutter. The anger in my chest fading away as she smiles up at me. I go to leave but she doesn't follow. Instead, she turns to Lucy who is still sitting on the stone table, looking very disheartened.

"Lucy? I noticed a daisy patch right outside the entrance, would you like to come and take a look with me?" She asks gently. Even though Althea's back is to me, I can imagine the kindness flowing from her eyes and it makes something stir in my heart. Something I've never felt before.

"Daisies?" She asks, her face lighting up. Althea nods and turns back to me.

"You can come too if you really want to." She laughs.

"Well, I can't let both of you go outside alone, so I must come along." I grin back at her.

I trail behind the two girls, both of them whispering and giggling all the way outside. It's refreshing to see some happiness, especially in a time like this. We get outside and Althea was right, a small patch of daisies are clustered right outside the entrance. She plops down to the ground and I lean on the side of the How a few feet away.

"You know, my crown from over a thousand years ago had flowers all over it," Lucy says, sitting down next to her.

"It sounds like it suits you quite well." Althea giggles, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Susan has flowers on hers too, they're daffodils. I'm jealous, I wish mine had daffodils. Instead, it has yarrow and laurel blooms, what even are those?"

"Are you kidding? Do you know what yarrow is?" Althea laughs and Lucy shrugs her shoulders in confusion. I unconsciously start to move closer as she explains.

"Yarrow symbolizes both war and healing while laurel represents victory." She pauses to pick a daisy. "But both of them together represent healing, courage, and love."

Lucy looks dumbfounded, and I must admit I probably have the same look on my face. Althea's cheeks flush a light pink at both of us staring.

"Well, I guess yarrow and laurel are pretty too." Lucy laughs.

They continue to make small talk as both of them attempt to make flower crowns, which I find hilarious and a bit childish. Lucy's falls apart as soon as she sets it on Althea's head which sends both girls into a fit of giggles. Althea's surprisingly stays together but is a size too big so it slides right over Lucy's head.

"Well if it won't fit me, then it should fit someone else..." Lucy says, slipping the flowers off her head. I see the gears turning behind Althea's eyes and then her face lights up. A mischievous smile creeps on her face as she slowly looks up at me.

"Don't you two even think about it," I say, taking a step away from them.

"Caspian, King Peter needs to talk to you." Trufflehunter interrupts, saving me just in time.

"Saved by the bell." Lucy laughs, confusing all three of us. "It's a saying from my world, it just means that you're lucky." She explains. She stands and walks over to Trufflehunter, placing the flowers around his neck instead. He looks like the happiest person in the world, grinning ear to ear. Althea stands up too. We all start to head back inside when an angry Peter comes marching out.

"So this is where you've been? Messing around with flowers." He snaps. Anger rises inside me, the same feeling I felt earlier but Althea speaks before I can.

"We were merely cheering up your sister whom you snapped at." She clears her throat before adding "Your Highness" at the end.

"There are Narnians in there volunteering their lives to storm the castle." He growls, his sharp eyes locked on Althea.

"Then I'll go too."
Sorry that this one was kinda short, nevertheless I hope you guys liked it. I'm still updating tomorrow so look forward to that!
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His Majesty, Her Grace - Prince Caspian Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now