Chapter 10 - Element of Surprise

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Quick Warning: This chapter contains blood and violence.
Althea's POV

It was midnight when we finally reach the castle. Our plan is for Trumpkin and I to go help Reep let down the draw bridge while Caspian opens the inner gate and Peter and Susan take care of Miraz. But before any of that, Edmund would go ahead and signal us and the troops from one of the towers. Edmund has already gone ahead and we are currently waiting at the tree line, the castle right in front of us. All the Griffins waiting next to the person they're going to carry and drop in.

"Just be careful Althea. I don't want a repeat of last time." Trufflehunter says.

"I'll be fine, besides I'll be with Trumpkin," I say. He still doesn't look convinced.

"Your Highness." Trufflehunter turns to Caspian who's standing right next to me. "Please look after Althea."

Caspian's face grows serious, more so than it already was, which I thought was impossible. He kneels in front of Trufflehunter, looking him straight in the eye.

"I will." He says, his serious tone making me feel nervous.

"Thank you," Trufflehunter says, giving me a meaningful look, then waddling away. Caspian stands and turns to me.

"Are you ready?"


"That's the signal," Peter says, cutting off my answer. I turn my attention to the castle where I see Edmund's light flashing from one of the towers. Atlas, the name of my Griffin, takes a step closer, waiting for me. Caspian gives me a brief nod and turns to his own.

"Ready?" Atlas asks.

"Don't drop me."

Atlas rears on his hind legs and picks me up with his front talons. He takes off, picking up the rear and following everyone else. When we approached the castle, his legs tighten around me before diving down. We duck and weave between the towers. Caspian's Griffin dangles him by one arm as he draws his sword. He swipes at a Telmarine guard causing him to fall over the edge of a tower.

The Griffins carry us to one of the long stretches of wall and quickly drop us down. I land next to Caspian and Trumpkin while Peter and Susan are in front. Two soldiers are caught off guard by the five of us showing up out of now where and don't have enough time to react. Susan shoots an arrow at one while Peter swiftly takes out the second.

We head to the side of the wall and Trumpkin lowers a rope, tightly securing it. Apparently, this leads to the balcony of Capsian's professor's quarters. Caspian goes first, followed by everyone else, then I go last. When I reach the bottom, they are all gathered in the small study and looking to Caspian.

"We have to find him." He says quietly, holding a small pair of spectacles in his hand.

"You don't have time. You need to get the gate open." A sick feeling rises in my stomach.

"You wouldn't even be here without him, and neither would I," Caspian says sounding distraught. Peter looks to Susan for an answer.

"You and I can deal with Miraz." She says.

"And I can still get to the gate in time," Caspian says, then turns and quickly leaves the room. Trumpkin and I right on his heels.

Once we're in the hallway, Trumpkin starts to head off to meet up with Reepicheep. I hesitate, turning to Caspian.

"I'll find you in the courtyard." He says so rapidly I almost don't understand.

"Be safe Caspian," I tell him and run to follow Trumpkin. We look back once more at each other before he disappears around the corner.

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