Chapter 11 - The White Witch

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Althea's POV

No one speaks as we walk back to Aslan's How. Only the sounds of footsteps and thunder can be heard. I walk beside Caspian. His shoulder is bleeding but he doesn't seem to notice. Grief is etched on his face and he hasn't looked up from the ground the whole time we've been walking. Something more happened before he got to the courtyard, it must have to do with his professor since he's beside me and not him.
I think about asking if he's okay but the question seems pointless.

Peter tells the group to sit down and rest. Many collapse because of pure exhaustion, others from a flow of tears that never end. Caspian doesn't sit so I don't either. I move to stand in front of him but his eyes refuse to meet mine. I stand on my toes and slip my arms around his neck. I feel him flinch and tense beneath me. Then his arms wrap around my back and I feel his face bury into the crook of my neck. His breath is fast and ragged, and he holds me tighter. So tight I almost can't breathe.

"He killed my father." He whispers and I understand what happened immediately. My heartbreaks as he shakes in my arms, his fresh tears falling and mixing with mine.

We stay like this for several minutes, neither of us loosening our hold on each other. He is the first to pull away, the sight of his glazed brown eyes making my heart twinge. He quickly wipes his eyes before slowly walking away toward Peter who quickly gets up and leaves. Caspian just follows and so does everyone else.


When we make it back to the How, Lucy comes running out from the entrance.

"What happened?" She asks meekly.

"Ask him," Peter says, motioning to Caspian.

"Peter." Susan scolds from beside me.

"Me? You could have called it off, there was still time." Caspian replies, trying to stay calm.

"There wasn't thanks to you. If you'd kept to the plan, those soldiers might be alive right now."

"If you'd just stayed here like I suggested they definitely would be." He shouts. I step forward to break it up but Susan stops me. I look at her and she just shakes her head.

"You called us, remember?" Peter says, turning around to leave.

"My first mistake."

"No. Your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people."

"Hey!" Caspian yells, the rage in his voice making me feel like I'm the one being yelled at. "I am not the one who abandoned Narnia."

"You invaded Narnia." Peter spats, pointing a finger at Caspian, who shoves past him. "You have no more right to lead it than Miraz does. You, him, your father!"

Caspian halts. I can see the anger radiate from him even though he's not facing me.

"Narnia is better off without the lot of you."

This is the last straw for Caspian as he screams and draws his sword. Peter does the same, both of their blades at each other's necks.

"Stop it!" Edmund yells. Everyone turns to see an unconscious Trumpkin cradled in Glenstorm's arms. My hand flies to my mouth as I stifle a cry, how could I not have seen he was injured? They quickly lower him to the ground and Lucy runs over to help. Caspian sheathes his sword and walks into the How, Nikabrik close behind him.

Trufflehunter comes up to me, holding my bag out. I crouch down to his level and try my best to smile.

"They are both blinded, Althea. One by anger and grief, and the other by pride." He says quietly. I don't have to guess who is who. "Trumpkin will be fine." Just as he says this, I hear my friend gasp behind me.

"What are you all standing around for? The Telmarines will be here soon enough." He grunts and the heavy atmosphere lightens. Lucy and everyone else goes to head inside.

"Thank you, mighty little friend." He says and Lucy smiles at him.

When I enter the main cavern, Caspian is nowhere in sight. The injured all seem to be gathering to the side of the room so I head over and start treating their wounds. Luckily, no one has anything severe. I send most of them to rest but for the ones who refuse I allow them to do some light labor.

I suddenly get a sick feeling in my stomach and feel the temperature drop slightly. No one else seems to notice. I feel a tug in my gut, pulling me towards the stone table. I probably look insane, but I sprint across the room towards the tunnel full of carvings. I toss my bag to the side and unsheathe one of my daggers. I run down the hallway, my heart is racing and it's getting colder the closer I get. When I reach the room I see a huge ice wall covering the stone picture of Aslan. Caspian is standing before it, surrounded by a hooded figure, a tall werewolf, and Nikabrik.

"Wait..." Caspian gasps. "This isn't what I wanted." He tries to back away but the wolf grabs a hold of him, holding his arm out. A tall, beautiful woman dressed in white appears in the ice.

"One drop of Adam's blood and you free me. Then I am yours, my king." She says gracefully.

"Let him go!" I shout, throwing my dagger straight at the wolf. He whines as it grazes his ear and Caspian looks back at me, afraid.

"I'll take care of her," Nikabrik growls.

"No!" Caspian says, pain evident in his voice as the hooded person pulls a blade across his hand. Nikabrik charges at me and I block his small sword. I can't bring myself to hurt him, he was still my friend. I dodge to the side causing him to stumble forward and move around the side of the stone table where the wolf is waiting for me. I look to Caspian. He's voluntarily reaching out his bloodied hand to the witch. Her arm starting to crawl out of the ice, looking like a real fleshy hand.

"Stop!" I hear someone yell from the tunnel.

Relief floods my body as Peter, Edmund, and Trumpkin all charge in the room, swords drawn. Peter heads straight for the hooded figure and I turn back to the wolf who swipes at me, knocking me into the stone table. I gasp as the wind is knocked out of me vaguely noticing Edmund take over the fight with the werewolf. I slowly stand trying to breathe and see Nikabrik has a hold on Lucy, and Peter is cornered by that creature. Edmund is still battling the werewolf but is thrown back against the wall. The wolf turns back to me.

"Edmund! The ice!" I shout finally catching my breath. He gets my idea and starts to make his way behind the ice wall. The wolf howls in pain as my blade slices his fore-arm. Peter has managed to push Caspian out of the way but now seems to be transfixed on the White Witch. Everyone in the room is distracted from the fighting as a blade pushes through the ice, causing the wall to shatter like glass. The sight of the White Witch crumbling away fills me with triumph.

The wolf takes advantage of my lack of concentration on him and tackles me to the ground. I cry out as I'm slammed to the floor, his heavy body crushing me. I barely managed to raise my blade in time, the wolf impaling himself. I feel his hot thick blood leak all over my hands and chest. His body is limp on top of me and I try to squirm out from under him. The weight is lifted and I scramble backward, leaving my dagger lodged in his chest. Caspian and Peter stand in front of me, both of them holding the werewolf up. They move towards me, each of them gently grabbing an arm and helping me stand. I don't look up at either of their faces. Instead, my eyes are locked straight ahead on the stone carving of Aslan that's visible again. Peter lets go of my arm but Caspian doesn't.

Susan enters the room sending Peter a glare then going straight to Lucy. Nikabrik's motionless body makes my heart stop. Even though he ended up betraying us, he was still a friend I've known for several years and grew up with. I step away from Peter and Caspian and follow the two queens out of the room, not looking back.
Hope you all had a nice New Years and enjoyed this chapter.
I just wanted to say how grateful I am for all the support and votes from you guys :)
You have no idea how happy it makes me.
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