⚜ Chapter Twenty-Four: Words ⚜

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<< If words show a person's true feelings, what are yours? >>

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

I'll meet you there.

The last sentence of Morpheus's message was perhaps the most confusing. [Name] was trapped here, she knew that, even though she'd only been here for two days. The security was tight, much more constricting than Grace Field's.

So how was he supposed to meet her?

There were more scientists, more wardens. All of her movements were recorded. The only potential allies she had were well under the age of 8. There was also the matter of her personal overseer, Sidra. Judging from the faded handprints on her lab coat, the silverette had plenty of experience fighting off inhabitants attempting to escape.

[Name] knew that she wasn't the only child in this facility, but it sure as hell felt like it. The only inhabitants that weren't scientists were those mutated children, and they, for lack of a better word, were incapable of intelligent thought. In simpler terms, they would only be useful for manpower.

She didn't need that right now. What she needed, was an accomplice. A cooperator.

Mindlessly twisting the music box in her fingers, [Name] continued to ponder over Morpheus's message. By now, it was pretty much a given that whatever that dream experiment was, it was specific to her - or rather, whatever was inside her. Was it a gene? No, that couldn't be it. She was a mere cattle child. They couldn't be sure of what gene she had.

Her fingers brushed over a small indent in the music box. [Name] glanced down. That hadn't been there before. Turning it over, she read the carved name.

[L. Name].

"Nice to meet you, [L. Name]."

It was the same name that Peter had mistakenly called her. But what was it?

She remembered the dream test. Perhaps... no, no way. The music box didn't work like that. She had played it over and over again, and she'd never passed out because of it. Then again, she'd never dreamt before that test too. [Name] sighed.

It was too soon to try anything. One wrong move, and she could be killed. When had she gotten so impatient? If she could wait 7 years for an escape that she never took part in, then she could wait until she could do anything safely. No matter how long it took.

Time seemed to slow down around her. Too soon, huh? As was everything in this life. The lights began to dim around her, signifying that it was time to go to bed. After changing out of her normal clothes, [Name] was alone again in her thoughts. Despite the blanket wrapped around her, [Name] was chilled to the bone. It was strange, not to be entangled by her own paranoia and desperation to gain information, along with the silence that filled her room. She knew she was being watched, and yet...

She'd never been more alone.

I miss them.

It had only been two days.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

This had to be some cruel joke.

She knew that these dreams were weird, but this was ridiculous. [Name] stood in a body that wasn't her own, in the midst of wooden walls and latticed windows. Children wearing snow-white clothes ran around her, numbers tattooed on each of their necks. It was all the same. The tables were being set, the older ones trying to get the younger to behave.

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