Chapter 1

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Y/n is a 10 year old girl with protective siblings, which ought to be expected. Her older siblings, Kai and Nya who are 15 and 13 respectively, adored their sister more than words could express. They would shield her from the hot sun and storms, cross any dangerous sea and battle any mythical monsters if it meant that she could smile for even just one day. Maybe this was because they lost their parents at a young age, leaving Y/n with barely any memories of her parents while Kai and Nya had a few distant memories, but either way, they were her siblings through thick or thin. Y/n loves her siblings, and they love her too.

According to routine, Y/n woke up in the morning, stretching and eating a small sandwich. Everyone else had already rose out of bed, but she was much more lazy than them so she was always waking up later than the rest of them. After completing her small breakfast, she rinsed the plate and placed it back on the short shelf.

She walked out to the training ground, seeing no one there. She shrugged her shoulders and began to punch the punching bag. About 45 minutes after she had began training, Sensei Wu walked out the door as Y/n bowed.

"I'm sorry, Sensei Wu, but the ninjas have not come here today," She says.

Sensei Wu gave her a curt nod. After spending a few months with her, Sensei Wu had gotten somewhat attached to her. Who wouldn't be? Her smile was as radiant as the sun, refusing to be beaten by any dark clouds that even dared to come near. She was like the humanoid version of the sun itself. With a personality sweeter than honey, everyone fell for her (not romantically, of course)

Sensei Wu began to walk away, Y/n happily skipping by his side as if she was just told that she was given a lifetime supply of candy. She hummed a tune lightly as Sensei Wu opened a door, revealing the ninja playing video games.

"Fire strike!" Kai yelled. "Oh my gosh, is that the greatest move you've ever seen?"

"Stop trying to do it yourself! We need to attack as a team!" Cole scolds.

"Zane, why are you wasting your special attack on me? You have to save it!" Jay insists. "Fantastic! I'm out of lives!"

"But the lesson lives on, and I am getting the hang of it," Zane smiles.

"Okay. Now!"

Always happy to see her brother, Y/n ran into the room and sat on his lap. Kai continued to play his game but with his arms resting lightly on her legs while his head was on hers. It was really quite the adorable and sugar sweet sight. The room smelled of incense just like the rest of the monastery. At first, the constant smell of it gave Y/n a headache but eventually, her body adapted. Now, she could ignore the smell of it, but sometimes, she would catch a faint whiff of the scent. Sensei Wu, tired of seeing his disciples sucked into the virtual world, secretly went to the plug and pulled it out. The screen went black suddenly and the four ninja groaned collectively.

"What? What happened?!"

"It took us three hours to get there."

"Why did you do that? Why?!"

"Just because Lord Garmadon escaped through a vortex does not mean he will not return one day for the golden weapons of Spinjitzu," The Sensei scolds.

"But Sensei, ever since he's been gone, Ninjago has had nothing but peace," Zane said.

"Yeah," Jay agrees. "Peace is boring. There's no one to save. There's nothing to do."

"We can train tomorrow," Cole says.

"Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today," Wu lectures.

"Well, I was going to eat this pizza tomorrow. So if that's the case," Cole says before Master Wu kicked the pizza away from his hand. "Ow."

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