Chapter 4

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Excuse any mistakes

'Camryn Avani Stewart

At home

I grabbed my face scrub and serums to finish my night care routine with Lai on the phone yapping. I'm not really listening because she changes the topic like 500 times.

No I'm not over exaggerating...well maybe just a little bit

"I think we should have a girls day tomorrow" Lai said as I did my night skin care routine. I watched as she took an ice out her cup and throwing it in the air then catching it in her mouth afterwards.

Pretty impressive if you ask me

"That was cool" I said and she giggled looking away. I'm pretty sure I caught her by surprise because of how her face looked. I mean I have been ignoring her talking.

"Thank you.. just practicing my dick sucking skills" she said then started sucking on the ice, she pulled it out and made a 'pop' sound.

Ouuu...I need to take lessons

"You a throat goat huh?" I teased and she swiped her hand under chin sticking out her pierced tongue.
"Period" I joined in her antics. She started yapping about work and I had to refrain from laughing.

I swear she's so funny without even trying

"Girl I promise I wasn't even being bitchy..she just got on my damn nerves you feel me?" She said and I chuckled. She's complaining about her one coworkers who didn't want to do her job.

Because Lai is new and young she thought she would've kiss her ass but Lai wasn't playing like that.
I really hate when they act like us young people are stupid and we should kiss their ass.

Tuh... they'll be lucky if they got a hi from me cause ion play like dat

Glad I work for myself cause some people don't know how to respect you

"So what you say about tomorrow?" She asked and I nodded. I don't plan to do anything tomorrow so if she wanna do something we can. I really wanted to make more clothes though.

"You can tell Mal..I like her@she said and I nodded. I texted Mal same time even though she was in the hall across me because I'm too lazy to go and I didn't know if she had plans tomorrow and I didn't wanna ask tomorrow morning.

"She's coming?" She asked and I nodded, I bit my lip nervously and went in the chat where this girl kept texting me. More like harassing me..the bitch got a lot to say.
"What's wrong" Lai asked seeing my now sour mood.

"This dumb bitch keeps texting me talking bout she and Bari this she and Bari that" I mumbled blocking her.

"I'm not with ion know what the fuck she tryna prove" I frowned then placed my phone down.
Oh I have 2 phones btw

"You need to talk to him" She suggested and I shut down that idea. "Naa I think imma leave it..and leave him SOB remember" I said and she looked confused.

I swear if she doesn't know what SOB means imma unfriend her...wait for it....

"What's SOB?" She asked scrunching her face up. "SOB? You'n know that come on" I mugged her.

Y'all this bitch is genuinely confused.... Unfriended

"You not standing on business bitch" I said and her eyes lit up. She's slow asf

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