Chapter Eleven

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*Here's an image of what I imagine Johnny to look like because I found a whole bunch of Tyler Young GIFs online*

*Here's an image of what I imagine Johnny to look like because I found a whole bunch of Tyler Young GIFs online*

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[ It's not really relevant to the plot, but it's nice to look at ;) ]

I am also working on aesthetics for the important characters that should be posted some time this week.


On Friday, like every other morning, the Santoros were off their beds before seven. 

No alarms. No snoozing. 

Carter heard something crash, Frankie curse and Luca laugh. And that was it. A new day had begun.

Carter had been living with them for six weeks and his body was finally adjusting to the rhythm of life with the Santoros. He sat up, rubbed the sleep off his face and turned off the alarm on his phone, set to ring in twelve minutes. He was used to waking up before his alarm by now.


Carter groaned, leaning his head against the bathroom door, which he was in the process of closing. Someone pushed it open from the other side and Carter had to jump away from the impact.

"What the hell, Bella?"


"We can't have this argument every morning," Carter mumbled, exasperated.

Bella smiled cynically. "Good point. Move."

"No, I need to shower."

"So do I. And I got here first," Bella insisted stubbornly.

Carter scoffed. "I am literally standing inside."

"Fuck that. My bathroom."

"No, our bathroom," he correct. Every morning, it was the same thing. And, every morning, Carter gave in. "This is ridiculous." He sighed. "I could've literally showered already, while we stood here. It won't even take me two minutes."

"If you take less than two minutes, then you're not even doing anything in there but wasting water," she argued.

"I just need a quick shower to wake up," Carter insisted.

"For God's sake, one of you just get in the shower already and the other can use the one upstairs. Mike and I are both done," Jack chimed into their fight. He was wet-haired and fully clothed, but the groggy look in his dark eyes and the rasp in his voice was the same as Bella's. It seemed there were two Santoros who hadn't quite caught up to the rooster gene.

As Carter assessed the light post-hot shower flush on Jack's tan cheeks, Bella sidestepped him and pushed him out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Carter stared at the door in shock for a fraction of a second, before the anger finally settled in.

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