Chapter Fourteen

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On Thursday, Johnny was in and out of Calculus like a dart again.

Carter didn't try to chase him this time. He did notice the bruise on his cheek was evolving to a darker red. He also tried to search for any changes in Coach's behavior during practice. The man seemed normal, though. Maybe a bit grumpy, and a little red-faced toward the end from all the shouting, but neither of those things were exactly out of the ordinary.

"I don't need a ride today," Carter told Seth as the team flooded back into the locker room. "Got something I need to do."

"Is it something quick?" Seth asked. "Do you want me to wait for you?"

"No, it's fine."

The truth was Carter didn't know how long it would be. He had only just decided it was something he was going to do.

Seth gave him an inquisitive look, but didn't press any further.

Carter and Mel didn't meet on Thursdays to study, because she had other activities. Still, after rushing through a quick shower, he went to the library.

He smiled at Mrs Lewis on the way in and she grinned back. With the sure step that indicated all the confidence he wasn't feeling, Carter made his way to the secluded, mostly empty tables in the back. As he had hoped—yet not known for sure—Johnny was there.

He was sitting in the same corner as usual, in front of his laptop, with a book opened on the side and his earphones on. He didn't notice Carter until he pulled a chair in front of him.

Johnny's eyes widened slightly in surprise, clearly caught off guard. His disarmed expression quickly dissolved into a harsher mask of annoyance though, as he removed his earphones.

"What?" Johnny whispered gratingly.

Carter ignored the unpleasant jab that tone poked in his gut and leaned forward. "What happened to you?" He asked quietly.

Johnny inhaled, as though readying himself for an answer he'd practiced many times before. "I fell in the—"

"The stairs?" Carter interrupted. "Yeah, that's what you said to the nurse. The day we met."

"The day we met," Johnny started slowly, "I told her you hit me with a door. Which was what happened."

"I meant before," Carter explained impatiently. "She said you'd been there before. And your dad too. They didn't seem convinced by your story then, and I am not convinced now."

"I'm clumsy," Johnny said in a toneless voice.


"Carter," Johnny delivered back in a shallower tone.

Carter sighed. Johnny was stubborn. Too stubborn. Carter would never win a dispute of witty comebacks with him. He couldn't do this thing where they danced around the obvious topic without actually talking about it. He lacked the knack for that.

"I know the kind of bruise a fist leaves on a face when I see it," Carter whispered plainly, going for the more direct approach instead.

Johnny's expression hardened. "Punch many people on your free time?" He asked.

Carter didn't respond to that. He wasn't going to fall for it and let himself be dragged back into their previous pattern. No dancing around the topic.

"Who did that to you?" He insisted.

Johnny was stubborn, but Carter could be too. He was head-bound on showing Johnny just how much.

It seemed Johnny didn't want to see it, though. He closed his eyes, taking a breath in and holding it. When his eyes opened, there was a softer edge to them. A silent plea shining through.

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