S i x t e e n

868 37 26

~ Emily ~

"Momma, don't you exactly recognise Vincent?" Emil asked while stuffing his mouth with pasta.

We are all having a normal family dinner right now, when my lovely brother brought up the subject of Vincent, out of nowhere.

I'm really not ready to face my mom's teasing now.

"Recognise?" Her face scrunched in confusion. "I don't get it, dear. What did you mean?"

"You didn't know that Vincent was the guy who took me to the hospital back then?" He shook his head in disbelief. "I thought y'all knew it already."

Oops. That piece of information slipped from my introduction about Vincent.

"What!?" My mom exclaimed. "Oh my God! He was that kid."

"Y-Yeah." I muttered.

"You knew?!" She exclaimed, widening her eyes.

"I did. I forgot to tell you, sorry." My face turned apologetic.

She sighed deeply.

"It's okay, dear. Now, I realise why you're so interested in his treatment." She simply stated while this was my turn to widen my eyes.

"W-What?" I nervously gulped.

"Nothin'. Just have your dinner and come to my room. We have to talk." She said.

My dear humans, my time has come now.

Don't get me wrong. My mom has no problem with my love life, but the fact that I hid it from her could be a problem.

"Okay, mom." I mumbled under my breath while my brother grinned at me sheepishly.

He must've sensed that something was up.

The rest of the dinner passed by in silence.  one.

I was dreading with questions considering the talk we were going to have. Due to zoning out, I was the last one to leave the table.

I stood in front of my mom's room and knocked on the door.

Whenever I was here, I was tensed as hell.

Was this my personal nervous spot or something?

My mom graciously opened the door and let me in.

She plunged on her bed while I pulled a chair in front of her and settled on it.

It felt like Dejà Vu.

"So Emi, I called you to ask if you could accompany me to a place." My mom broke the icy silence.

Every muscle in my body relaxed at her words.

I mentally sighed. That was all.

"Where, mom?" I asked with my newfound relaxation.

"Vincent's mother's bakery." She stated with so much ease as if she was their old friend.

"W-Why?" I asked in utter confusion.

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