T w e n t y - O n e

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~ Vincent ~

I could feel a pair twenty eyes, watching me intently as I entered the classroom, gathering all my confidence.

The kids should be no more than seven years.

They're just kids. Don't be so nervous.

I forced a smile on my face as I remembered Emily's advice just a few minutes ago.

"Good morning, children!" I greeted, raising my voice so that each and every child could hear it clearly.

Most of them returned my greeting with the same enthusiasm, while a few reminded me of my own behavior a few weeks ago.

"I'm Vincent, and I'm here to read out to y'all. So, is everybody excited?"

Most of them shouted yes.

I've always avoided being the center of attraction due to my stage fright, but today, I wouldn't disappoint anyone. Most importantly, myself.

"Does anybody know about Little Hearts?" I held my book high, making it visible to every kid.

Most of them shook there head in denial while a boy raised his hand.

"Uhm, Little hearts, as in the sugar sprinkled heart-shaped delicious biscuits?" He smiled at me mischievously.

Keep your cool, Vincent. He's just messing with you.

"No." I replied through gritted teeth. "It is obviously the name of the book, right in my hand."

"Oops, my bad." He muttered without being the slightest bit of apologetic.

"So, now, are y'all ready to listen to this beautiful story without any further disturbance?" I asked.

On receiving enough agreement, I began with the reading. In my opinion, I was a pretty good reader, and Derek had agreed to it as well.

We had a last-minute reading practice, and Emily suggested that I change my reading tone frequently according to the story to prevent my reading from being monotonous and boring for the kids.

She even advised me to do a little gestures with my spare hand to provide them a visual experience as well.

So far, I believe that I had the undivided attention of the majority of the kids.

Even the boy who disturbed the class at first was listening carefully to my story reading.

I felt proud.

Before I knew, my two hour mentoring session was completed, and so was the book.

I lifted my gaze from my watch to see the satisfied expression of the children.

"So, how do y'all like the story?" I asked while an automatic smile crept on my face.

Some clapped their hands in appreciation, while some expressed it verbally.

"I guess my time to leave this class has come now. So, wait for your next reader like good kids. Alright?" I said and left for the door.

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