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chapter two (ii) : settling in

aether chuckled to himself with a smirk as he walked away, swiss was looking around with his hands in his pockets. i glanced at him and frowned 'you good?' i asked him 'yeah i'm fine' he replied as he stepped into the room and walked over to the window to lean on it, he pulled out a packet of cigarettes and offered one to me 'you smoke?' he questioned. 'Yeah..thanks' I smiled taking the cigarette he offered me and putting it between my lips while I took my zippo lighter out of my pocket. as I lit the cigarette the lighter made my face glow orange slightly from the flame. 'no problem' he chuckled, we both lit our cigarette nearly at the same time and took deep breaths before blowing our streams of smoke out towards the window.

'so your one of the 'new' ghouls right?' He asked taking a puff of his cigarette. I exhaled my smoke before replying 'Not exactly, I've come home to help dad..papa out so I'm pretty much becoming a sister of sin again' I told him taking a drag of my cigarette. 'you used to be a sister of sin?' he asked looking over at me but also taking a drag of his cigarette. he gave an intrigued nod to me 'how come you left? if you dont mind me asking?'. 'The old ghouls, they were always invading my privacy and a couple of them tried it on so I chose to leave' I told him blowing my smoke out the window

'damn that sucks but i'm not surprised honestly. they were such assholes so why would they be any different with you?' he laughed a bit before adding 'ill be sure to respect your privacy when your here' aether mumbled 'and I can be your guard if you'd like, it'll be my pleasure.' Swiss added as he took a drag of his cigarette. I smiled at both of them before deciding to ask them what's been on my mind 'Thanks guys, would you mind if I asked you something?'. 'of course not, we're here to help' aether replied 'shoot away kid' added swiss while puffing another drag of his cigarette. 'What's up with sodo?..papa said he's just quiet but he's almost a little too quiet' I chuckled putting the cigarette out.

'oh don't let his silence fool you ' swiss laughed 'he's a very friendly dude to say the least. but if you were to ask me, i think he has a bit of a thing for you' he chuckled. aether looked over at him and shrugged 'i second that'. 'I think you guys are seeing things, what is it old age?' I joked hoping they wouldn't take it seriously. 'hey, were not old' aether laughed 'were in our prime! but no were being serious' swiss laughed as well now taking another drag 'you can see it in his eyes whenever you look at him' Aether nodded 'he gets all flustered when you speak to him'. I looked at them with a 'you can't be serious' face. 'Guys I've spoke to him once, besides it wasn't even a proper conversation' I chuckled jumping down from the windowsill. 'your right, it wasn't a proper conversation it was him staring at you almost like he couldn't take his eyes off of you' aether laughed 'well i cant force you to believe but im just making my observation of him. y-you might wanna be careful tho' aether scoffed as he raised his eyebrow

That caught my attention 'Be careful? Why?' I asked as I was now curious. 'because he gets a little touchy and clingy to people he's interested in without even realizing it. he's a little awkward when it comes to stuff like that' aether said as he walked out the room. 'oh and he bites' swiss added laughing slightly putting his cigarette out before walking out the room behind aether. Once my door closed I was left with so many questions 'bites?', 'was it a joke?', 'was it serious?', 'do he literally bite?'.

I chose to ignore the questions and pushed them aside while I unpacked my trunk, putting my clothes away in there designated spots. Some clothes went in the wardrobe and others in the drawer next to my desk. Once I was done I decided seen as tho it was dark out I would get ready for bed, starting by sitting at my desk and tidying up the space so that I could write a little poetry before bed like I used to do.

As I concentrated on my words I got a little lost in writing until I felt a cold breath on my neck, I instantly turned round and had the feeling of being watched. I shut the thought down putting it to being on edge with what Swiss said about hiding to scare each other and thought I was just being a little paranoid. It wasn't until my curtain waved that my attention was drawn to the window, it was almost deja-vu with that crow earlier. I stared over at the window in pure silence almost waiting to see if anything would happen in which it did, but not what I hoped. There was a stern knock 'it's just me my child, may I come in?' Papa asked from the other side of my bedroom door.

I walked over there and let him into my room
'Why have you got the window open hunny, its freezing in here' he said walking over to close it. 'Me,Swiss and aether were smoking out of it, I must have forgotten to close it' I told him. 'oh i see. well please be careful when you open them, it's freezing outside and I don't want you to get sick my child. you know how much i worry about you' he chuckled putting his hands on my shoulders before going over to my desk 'are you writing again?' he asked 'oh..y-yeah kinda' i replied with a shrug before explaining 'i thought it'd be a nice to get back into my old habits and start with some poetry before bed like i used to'.

he chuckled at that before going back and wrapping an arm around my shoulders 'that's good. your poetry is beautiful and i know you'll write some even better ones now that your back home with us' he was always supportive of me writing in the past and i was always thankful for that and still am. his arm was warm over my shoulders 'thanks dad' i said looking up at him. 'no problem kiddo' he replied 'now, go and get into bed' he instructed as he took his arm off of my shoulder. I did as he said and got into bed, the same bed I had when I was a kid only this time I actually fit in it properly.

papas daughter { vampire sodo fanfic } जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें