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chapter seven (vii) : sleeping beauty

later that night I'd finished cleaning and started to settle down into bed for the night when an idea came into my mind. If this silhouette wrote a line after my poetry I know it could use a pen and it could clearly read and write so what is I wrote it a letter..would it reply?..there was only one way to find out..
I sat down at my desk and started writing,

the letter read:
dear silhouette,
I've seen you watching over me, why in the shadows do you hide? do you find comfort in the them is that why you hide amongst the dark obis of the night sky? Is it because you have done terrible things, if so tell me every terrible thing you did and let me love you anyway.

Now I know that there is beauty amongst the darkness so do tell me, what are you sweet creature and why do you hide?
yours sincerely,
the one you watch over
y/n copia x

I slotted the letter in the beige envelope and sealed it with a burgundy wax stamp before flipping it over and writing 'to the creature of the night' on the front. I then laid it neatly on my desk before getting up and walking over to the window leaving it open as I crawled back into my bed. I started to wonder if he would return as I drifted off into a deep sleep.

creatures pov:
I watched over her at the end of the bed like I did last night, she still looked beautiful like she always does. I looked around the room and noticed a neatly placed envelope on the desk and as curiosity got the best of me I walked over there and looked who it was addressed to. I soon found that it was to a 'creature of the night'..was that me? I thought to myself

Once I came to my senses that that was probably me as I was the only one to visit her late at night I sat down at her desk and carefully opened the envelope, making sure not to make a sound, to reveal a piece of paper folded inside. once i un-folded it and read the letter it told me that she saw me in her room last night and it also told me that she thought there was beauty amongst the darkness but oh was she very wrong. i took a piece of paper from the pile to my right and started writing her a letter back. i dipped the pen in the ink and placed it down on the plain piece of paper

the letter read:
to my beautiful y/n,
your mind is playing tricks on you my dear. this 'beauty' you speak of is not there in fact it is the opposite of that, i am flesh and blood but not human and come from the depths of hell, i am grotesque and macabre. in the shadows i do not 'hide', i control the shadows love, they do not control me. i just observe from them and remain silent.

they say chaos is an angel who fell in love with a demon but in chaos there is calculation, y/n love you are as clever as the devil but twice as pretty,
now tell me darling, are you afraid of the dark?
because in the darkness i wait for you,
yours sincerely
the creature of the night x

i placed the letter down, sealed it in a plain envelope and wrote 'to my darling y/n' on the front of it before setting it aside. i got up from the desk and looked over at her one last time. oh how i found comfort in her peace, there were no thoughts in her head but thoughts of joy and there were no dreams within her head but dreams of love. she was out of this word, she was the one that made me feel normal, like i wasn't some monster that everyone else sees me for.

I took her letter to me and walked back over to her bed, i couldn't help but just stare at her as she slept. The thought of her sleeping peacefully made me want to reach out and run my fingers through her hair, if only i could touch her to feel that warmth. The only thing that was in my way was the fact that i were a cold blooded creature, a demon that was destined to the shadows.

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