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chapter thirteen (xiii) : secrets are revealed

Before he could finish his sentence aether stormed into the room and paused as he saw me and papa having a heart to heart 'you better not be telling her' he said seriously. 'im just going to tell her.' papa replied quietly 'its better if she knows', 'are you sure about that?' aether asked 'because im pretty sure i wouldn't want to know in her position, besides it'll make her see us one way for the rest of our long lives. Is that really something you want?' Aether asked papa.

'she has a right to know, even if she reacts badly i cant keep lying to her forever.' papa replied 'at least that way i'll be honest with her. Besides that, i dont really have a choice, she already has a pretty good idea that im hiding something and its clearly making her worried, i cant just continue to avoid the topic.'. 'Don't cry to me when your own daughter hates your guts because of what you are' aether snapped. 'i'd rather be honest with her and have her hate me rather than lie to her. i wont be able to forgive myself if something were to happen to her because i didn't tell her the truth about who i am...and if she hates me after finding out then i'll just have to accept it.'.

'You don't understand do you? It'll make her hate us all! We're all the same..papa you'll ruin it for us' aether said as if he was desperate for me not to know. 'do you really think its fair to keep her in the dark about this? you think its fair to keep something this big from her just because you dont want to ruin her opinion of us?' papa asked angrily 'she deserves to know who i really am, she'll still love me the same at the end of the day.'. 'When she's scared of you?, when she thinks you're going to use her for one thing?, when she's running out of the house in terror? She won't love you the same I'm telling you' he snapped back.

papa sighed deeply 'i can't live like this, i cant keep hiding this from her and pretending to be someone im not every day. she deserves to know the truth and she will eventually, either i tell her the truth or she will find out on her own. im not going to lie to her about who i am ever again, and it's best she finds out from me than from anyone else.'. I watched them both argue with each other as if I was watching the ball at a tennis match 'Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on? You're making me panic dad..please just tell me, you know you can tell me anything..please' I told him looking back in his eyes.

'ok sweetheart im going to tell you but just please remember to stay calm and do not panic, ok? and you will always be safe with me and the ghouls, dont you worry.' papa took a deep breath. 'can you promise me you wont freak out?'. 'Dad I know I am, just please tell me I promise not to freak out' I told him. 'this is going to be very hard to hear and it may be too much to process for you to handle at once, but you have to know, i cant live with this secret anymore.' with that papa took another deep breath and looked right into my eyes 'i am a vampire, im sorry i didnt tell you sooner, please dont be scared of me.'.

I felt my face drop almost instantly. 'W-what?' I mumbled under my breath before getting up from the table..'I- I think I need a second' I told him getting up from my seat. 'sweetheart let me explain!' papa grabbed my hands and made me sit down, 'i know this is a lot to take in but you have to trust me on this, you will be safe and nothing bad will ever happen to you. You have to know this is not something i ever wanted to be, I was turned without my choice and im so sorry but i cant change what i am now.'. 'Who else is one..are you all?' I asked him slightly uncomfortable.

'we're all vampires honey, every single one of us.' i know its hard to hear but we have all gone through this revelation before you and have come to accept it over the centuries, it may take you some time but i promise you will come to understand it. just please dont be afraid of us, nothing will change the way we treat you or the way we love you, the ghouls and i will always be here for you and protect you no matter what.'. 'How can you say you'll protect me? Dad why didn't you tell me sooner? You let me come into this house knowing I was going to live In it with a bunch of vampires!' I told him slightly upset.

'i wish i could have told you sooner but i just didn't know how to tell you. i just felt like if i kept it a secret for long enough it would get too much to hide and id have to lie longer and longer to cover up my secret. If it makes you feel any better, i promise i would never let any harm come to you, we all care for you very much and our only priority is keeping you safe and happy.'. 'Well you you lied to me, have you lied to me for my whole life? How do you expect me to trust you when you've just dropped this on me like it was something small?' I asked him

'no i have not lied to you for your entire life.' papa sighed 'and yes i know i told a lie, but i did so in order to protect you. i just didnt want you to see me differently. i understand if you cant forgive me for that but all i ask is that you try and forgive me in time.'. 'I-i don't know dad' I said getting back up from the chair and walking off back to my room wiping my tears away. 'where are you going?!' papa asked panicked 'sweetheart please, just come back and lets talk about this!'. I didn't even think to turn back around, I heard him shouting at me to come back but instead just walked into my room slamming the door behind me.

'sweetheart please!' papa shouted from downstairs 'please just come back! I'm sorry, i never meant for any of this to happen.' a look of concern washed across his face as he realised i probably wasnt going to come down again any time soon.

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