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chapter six (vi) : don't show your true self

Sodo's heart plummeted, they were both right. If she does have a boyfriend what's there to do? She's in love and he would just have to accept it. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes to settle himself.

'You're right, if she does have a boyfriend I'll let go of my feelings for her. You're right.' He admitted 'but what if the boyfriend is a jerk?'. Aether looked at him before sighing 'then it's non of your business'. 'What if he's like abusive? Shouldn't I help her out of that situation?' Sodo pushed further. He didn't want to lose her to someone who was only going to end up hurting her. 'Then it's still non of your business, stop trying to make excuses if she has a boyfriend you let her go. Got it?' He asked sternly. 'Fine if she has a boyfriend then I'll let go of my feelings, but I won't let her stay in a toxic relationship. I just care about her way too much to see her get hurt.'

Sodo looked at aether with a pouty face 'if you saw the girl you liked getting hurt would you just let her continue to get hurt without stepping in?'. aether just stared before saying 'T-that's different, I'd probably know the girl longer than 24 hours'. 'Yeah but if you liked her as much as I like this girl would you let her continue to get hurt? I mean I saw her in one day and fell for her personality, but even then if she wasn't kind and nice I would still try to keep her away from a toxic situation.' He continued fighting against his friends, he really wanted to continue this banter to keep his mind off the fact that the girl he's been in love with probably has a boyfriend already.

'Sodo!' Aether snapped 'why do you have to be so clingy!? You'll only cling onto her to bite her in the end!' He snapped. Sodos face dropped 'ooh not cool dude' Swiss mumbled. Sodo was taken aback by aether's harsh words 'W-What!?' he felt like his heart just sank to the pits of hell. Sodo could feel the anger he once felt earlier rising up once more. 'Bite her? What the hell is wrong with you!? Just because she's so beautiful that my heart races when she smiles means I'll end up harming her!? That's not true at all!'.

At that point I decided to stop listening to there conversation and walk off with my headphones in and go mop the rest of the halls but as I did I thought about what they were talking about. The fact sodo already had a crush on me shocked me a bit, like aether said he hadn't even known me 72 hours yet. However the way he said 'she's just so perfect, there's literally nothing about her that I would change if I could. She's got this smile that makes me happy seeing her do it and her eyes..pure ecstasy.' Made me blush like crazy.

meanwhile back in the dining room:

'People like us do that! I can't speak loudly on the matter but you know humans are to feed not to have a romantic relationship with' aether said angrily. 'Are you accusing me of wanting to feed off of her?' Sodo's rage boiled over, he felt like he wanted to strangle aether for even assuming such a thing 'that's not true at all, humans are very different compared to us. Humans have romantic relationships all the time, I'm sure I wouldn't break her by falling in love with her.'.

'Do you need reminding that if you showed your true self to her she'd probably call you a disgusting monster! Because that's what you are! It's what we all are! Except for her!' Aether screamed at him. He got right in his face and started shouting louder 'do you need reminding that she'd take one look at you and think you were going to rip her to shreds! Because that's what vampires do sodo! No one will accept who we are deep down!'. Sodo could feel the tears forming behind his eyes but he had to try fighting against them, aether wasn't wrong. As much as it hurt him to admit it he would probably be horrified to see a vampire, especially one that showed little to no remorse while feeding. He tried looking away from aether but his eyes were locked, he wanted to shout back at him but his mouth froze. He wanted to fight back but he couldn't, his friends were right, and it hurt so much.

'You show anyone a vampire and there running for miles! You show her your true self and she'd be the first to run I tell you!' Aether snapped before walking out the room in a huff slamming the door behind him. 'But....' Sodo continued looking toward where aether had once been standing. His friend was right. If a vampire showed itself to a human they would most likely be terrified and run for miles. There was nothing to disprove aether's words. He tried looking away and closing his eyes in a desperate attempt to keep himself from crying but his vision soon became blurry with tears.

All he wanted was to be with the girl he liked, but he knew he could never be. If he did then he would only bring her pain and suffering. 'Just ignore him sodo, he only wants the best for you but he forgets he does it a little to harshly sometimes' Swiss said jumping up from the table to bring sodo into a hug. Sodo held back the tears from spilling out of his eyes while his friend gave him a hug. 'I mean...' he sniffed 'he has a point though, if she saw who I truly was then she would hate me too, she would hate anything that had to do with a vampire.' As much as it hurt to admit, he couldn't deny that what aether said was true.

'I don't know. look get to know the girl, if she has a boyfriend then that's a bummer but if she doesn't then who knows what'll happen' Swiss told sodo. Sodo sniffed and wiped the tears away before smiling at his friend 'I'll try my best. I just hope everything works out in my favor. I'll see if she has a boyfriend and hopefully she's single, if not I'll just have to accept it and let her go. It's gonna hurt like hell but that's life I guess, right?'. Swiss tightened his grip before replying with 'Right, I hope she doesn't too for your sake'. Sodo squeezed his friend back. 'Your a good friend Swiss' he chuckled 'you're a really good friend.' He smiled 'thank you'.

'Anytime' he replied pulling away. Sodo wiped away the remaining tears that were starting to fall out of his eyes. He sighed and he gave swiss one last hug before walking out of the room.

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